Christopher Columbus is the most responsible for the deaths of Taino people. Christopher Columbus made horrible decisions that lead to the murders of Taino people, and did not take orders of that direction from anybody else. Columbus’ journal reveals that he solely wanted gold from the Taino, and did not care how he got it. The second time he sailed to the ‘Indies’- really, Hispaniola- he had his men ship 500 Taino to Spain as slaves, and did so of his own free will.…
Celebrating Christopher Columbus for what he did isn’t necessary. We celebrate Columbus day to acknowledge what Christopher did for our country by sailing and discovering new ways to be and act but do we forget what he did to be somewhat successful he killed people and enslaved over a thousand. We should change the holiday to celebrate the success but not celebrate about Christopher Columbus he is what caused fear and native Americans begging for their lives. We should get rid of Columbus Day because what good does it do celebrating someone who raped girls and sold them as sexual slaves. He is the reason many had died from the diseases him and his crew spread killing hundreds of innocent native Americans.…
Every year kids around our nation take off from school on October 10th, Columbus Day. In parallel with this annual vacation day for most in the United States, children are also taught about a heroic explorer, who courageously stood up for his belief, that the world was round, rather than flat, by asking many monarchs for the opportunity to prove his belief by finding a shortcut to the Indies, and then proceeded to discover the Americas. Yes, children nationwide are captivated by the story of this brave explorer, Christopher Columbus, who was responsible for finding their continent, and for giving them a day off. However, one key part of the voyage and adventures of Christopher Columbus is left out when children learn about him, namely that…
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer. He was born on October 31, 1451 in Genoa Italy. Christopher Columbus’s parents were middle class people. Columbus’s father was named Domenico Columbus. Domenico was born in 1414 in Genoa.…
Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492, he was sent from the Spanish to the west to explore new lands. America Should not continue celebrating Columbus Day because, he brought cruelty, he did not discover anything new and it’s unpatriotic to celebrate. Columbus did not discover anything new because the Natives were there first, he knew about “new lands” across the Atlantic and it brought the tent that “all men are created equal”. Columbus brought cruelty such hanging non-Catholics, smallpox and slavery. It is unpatriotic to celebrate Columbus day because it sends a message of hostility, patriotic means to have devotion or vigorous supports to one’s country and he ignored the Native Americans.…
Most people in the United States celebrate a national holiday on October 9th in memory of Christopher Columbus, the man often credited with “discovering” America. The day is becoming increasingly controversial, however. Many argue the man himself is not worthy of commemoration. Columbus was not actually the first to cross the Atlantic, they said. The holiday is seen as a celebration of colonialism, and offensive to the continents indigenous people.…
In the United States many people celebrate a national holiday by the name of Columbus day. Christopher Columbus was the first European to step foot in America. Since he did this, in the 1930s it became a holiday in several countries. Numerous people think that Columbus doesn’t deserve this kind of honor, because of the fact that other people discovered America and the way he treated the Native Americans. Examples of this are from the article “Columbus Doesn’t Deserve a Holiday.”…
Columbus Day, observed on the second monday of October, commemorates the foundations of Europe’s presence in the New World and the massive exchange of people, trade, and ideas that have led to what our country is today. It is a reminder of the absolute terror and cruelty the indigenous peoples that had, for the most part, been peacefully living on their land for thousands of years until that point, been subjected to. Christopher Columbus was a man responsible for the decimation of three major civilizations, as well as the ultimate genocide of the indigenous peoples as a whole, one of the largest in human history. Columbus alone committed an array of horrific acts, using the Indians as sex slaves and extorting them for labor, stealing their land and goods, and hunting them for sport and dog food. His choices and treatment influenced how other would later view and deal with the Indians, eventually leading to their near extinction.…
This day would recognise both Columbus, but more importantly the idea of America and the Native Americans that lived there. Christopher Columbus is famously known for discovering America,…
Columbus didn’t discover any uninhabited land, but he did initiate an age of exploration and discovery in Europe. After he came back and spread the news about his findings, other European countries sent their own explorers to the new land to see if they could reap some of the benefits. Columbus sparked the age of European colonization which exploded in the years to come. About 300 years after he arrived in the Americas, settlers were making their own home and establishing the United States. Columbus did start a disastrous trend which was killing of the native people in the new land.…
In 1492 Christopher Columbus “discovered” the Americas. In 1937 the current president, Franklin Roosevelt, declared it a national holiday. New information now makes us debate whether or not we should celebrate this holiday. If you would’ve asked me a year ago I would have no reason to argue this holiday’s existence, but now I think we shouldn’t celebrate this holiday. This holiday commemorates his “discovery” of the Americas.…
Good evening your majesty. I am Christopher Columbus. I have come to purpose to you an offer that will reward you with great fortune. I am proposing to take a crew and explore across the Atlantic ocean in search of a route to India. A trade route to India will bring fortune to you and this country for there is a great deal of trade with spices.…
COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER (1451–1500), discoverer of America, thought by some to have been of Marrano extraction. He was himself mysterious when speaking of his origin, apparently having something in his background which he wished to conceal. However, he boasted cryptically about his connection with King David and had a penchant for Jewish and Marrano society. Spanish scholars have attempted to explain the fact that this great hero of Spanish history was almost certainly born in Genoa, Italy, by the assumption that his parents were Jewish or ex-Jewish refugees from Spain. In fact, the name Colon (or Colombo) was not uncommon among Italian Jews of the late medieval period.…
Columbus made no great discovery; America was populated long before he arrived. Celebrating his voyage as a discovery is a very eurocentric narrative. Any celebration of Italian heritage or Catholicism should be honour people who truly deserve to be recognized. Or maybe your point is that this day celebrates not Columbus, but the progress of America since Columbus opened the door for European colonization.…
The holiday of Columbus Day has kindled an irrefutable amount of controversy in recent years. One side of this bilateral argument asserts that Columbus opened up a global trade network while the other declares that his travels led to the decimation and abuse of the Native American population. One argues that Columbus Day should exist, while the other calls for its removal. However, this argument, along with the current Columbus Day, is overly simplified. To extract the true meaning of Columbus Day, Columbus himself must be withdrawn from the center of the holiday, and the holiday should recognize both the positive and negative results of October 12th, 1492.…