Eventually, I graduated to Wolftrap Elementary School and joined FCPS at first grade. I was doing quite well in Wolftrap, rapidly adjusting to a new school. My grades vere very good and I was involved in various activities, such as tennis and piano. The rest of elementary school, I earned more friends than I ever had, some following me to Kilmer and eventually Marshall. Although I earned many friends, most remembered me for my spelling or computer advice. I took many adventures in elementary school. The ones I remember most are my summer vacations to Cancun, Mexico, the Florida Keys, Park City in Colorado, and Hawaii. My last year in Wolftrap was a turbulent one. The beginning of the year fared as well as the years leading up to it, but once I auditioned for the school musical, The Lion King Jr., my grades …show more content…
The two years were full of memorable teachers, somewhat hard work, and Model UN. Math 7, Science, English, Drama, History, and Creative Writing formed the skeleton of my 7th grade activities. Eighth grade was when I became a director of the school’s television program and learned how Kilmer worked. While participating in the school’s service learning project, I became a tutor and a game host. Learning about essays finally allowed me to create great essays. The rest of the year flew by until the SOLs. Earning a majority of ‘Pass Advanced’s let me leave Kilmer feeling good about my academic abilities. Of note was my Writing SOL score, a solid