Change In Fahrenheit 451

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“My theory on life is that life is beautiful. Life doesn't change. You have a day, and a night, and a month, and a year. We people change - we can be miserable or we can be happy. It's what you make of your life” (Maktoum). People change, everyday, either a little bit, or a lot, all at once, or over a lifetime.It always depends on the the situation and the the person. There is no denying it when someone you love changes, whether it is for the the better or for the the worse. The truth of the matter is: life does not change people, people change people. If you don’t believe that, just look around you in your everyday life. You will see people changing, adapting to who they associate with, even if it makes them mean and cruel. It’s just the way life goes, and the way life has always been for people. In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, Guy Montag, the main character of the book, has his life opened to change by Clarisse, the young girl he just happened to run into one lucky afternoon. His whole life is turned upside down after the young girl asks him a simple question: are you happy? In the beginning, Montag was falsely happy. As in, he thought he was happy, he really did. He was a fireman, but not the kind that puts out fires and saves lives. He started fires, to burn books. It made him happy. Kerosene was but a perfume to him, …show more content…
The changes are so obvious and so big. Clarisse was the spark, and he was the was gas, and together they made a fire, as bright and as hot as fires can be. The entire book, it led up to him making the most dangerous decision of his life, and putting alarms in on houses in which he planted precious books. He does it, and then he escapes, but not before he burns someone to death, and gets his leg poisoned by the mechanical hound. He does things that he wouldn't have even thought of in his dreams. It’s

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