“Of all dictatorships, a dictatorship sincerely exercised for the good of its people may be the most oppressive.” This quote talks about how the more tyrannical a dictatorship gets, the more strict rules and harsh consequences will be implemented to the people of their country. In Saudi Arabia, the people are living in a dystopian society as rules have harsh consequences, censorship of the internet, and the fear of ISIS. In Fahrenheit 451, people are living in a utopia which turns out to be a dystopia as technology takes care of people problem’s but in return take their humanity away from them, with the censorship of knowledge, and the fear of the hound. In Fahrenheit 451 and in Saudi Arabia, …show more content…
This results in the perspective of seeing women as objects/animals that man can do as pleased which lead to the dehumanization of women in Saudi Arabia. Next, there is plenty of dehumanization from the novel Fahrenheit 451, "Hell!’ the operator's cigarette moved on his lips. "We get these cases nine or ten a night. Got so many, starting a few years ago, we had the special machines built” (Bradbury 24). This quote shows dehumanization because the people of Fahrenheit 451 are overdosing so much that overdosing becomes an everyday problem. This is mentioned after Mildred getting fixed by the special machine which is called a “black cobra” who can see the person the cobra is pumping out. “Gotta clean em out both ways” (Bradbury 23). Which is referring to the part where, Mildred’s blood, was replaced with someone else's. This is dehumanizing as Mildred is portrayed as an object which needs to be fixed, like a car that needs more gas. Both of these quotes show that humans are being dehumanized in both the article and the novel which shows negative influence by living in a tyrannical dictatorship due to being treated as subhuman.
To continue with, the censorship of information is evident in both the news report and Fahrenheit 451. In “Saudi Arabia’s Country Profile” news report, it talks about how the internet is heavily censored and how the government is very strict about its policies. “Officially, sites that are judged to contain ‘harmful,’ ‘illegal,’ ‘anti-Islamic,’ or ‘offensive’ material are routinely blocked, including pages related to pornography, gambling, and drugs. Authorities also seek to Ozyigit,