Case Study: Stafford Unified School District V. Redding

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Stafford Unified School District v. Redding
Stafford Unified School District v. Redding
Pedro Maldonado
Texas A&M San Antonio
Stafford Unified School District v. Redding
of the Case
In October 2003 a male student and his mother met with administration claiming that he received pills from a student and that they made him sick
. He showed the principal a white pill that turned out to be Ibuprofen and claimed several students planned to take them. He stated that the pills were given to him by Marissa Glines.
Marissa was called to the office
, searched and she produced four white pills and one blue pill which turned out to be Ibuprofen and Naproxen
She was also in possession of a day planner that contained contraband.
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The school official acting in place of the parent would have to decide how to proceed with rules infractions as the parent would.
The Supreme Court ruled 8
1 that Savana’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated.
Because the student was allowed to be searched by school officials, the reasonableness in this situation did not merit the further search
The reasonableness is that Savana was a good student, never been in trouble, and was blamed by a questionable student. This was enough reason to not investigate further than the initial search. The strip search was excessive in this circumstance.
Stafford Unified School District v. Redding
The Supreme Court also ruled that Wilson, Romero and the school nurse a r e protected by liability by qualified immunity because the established law does not show that the Fourth
Amendment right was violated ( - supreme - court/55 7/364.html
The law never clearly stated that strip searches were illegal and therefore they had no knowledge to not carry out the search.
Stafford v. Redding had many similarities

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