The Guadalupe County Correctional Facility is located at2615 N. Guadalupe Seguin, Texas 78155. This prison is an Adult Detention center and is a medium security. Robert Hernandez the administrative director of this facility. The inmates range from low level to high level crimes. That meaning that they range from murder and arson all the way down to theft.…
1. I was late for class last week but this week I promise to be on time. 2. It rained last night in Boca and my roof began to leak. 3.…
Per Reporter: The children's mother (Robin) was arrested on 1-6-18 for trying to break in her mother's (Ruby) home. Robin is in Lee County Jail. Robin was choking Ruby. Robin has never acted like this before.…
BRIEF FACT OF SUAMMRY : In January 1991, Phoenix police officer Bryan Sargent observed Isaac Evans driving the wrong way on a one-way street. Sargent directed Evans to pull over and asked to see his license. FACTS: Evans informed Sargent that his license was suspended, and upon running the license, Sargent found that there was also an outstanding warrant for Evans’ arrest. During the arrest, Evans dropped a hand-rolled cigarette that smelled of marijuana, so officers searched his car and discovered a bag of marijuana.…
The United States has the largest prison population in the world. In looking at California, the total prison population consists of 128,436 men and 6,098 women. The total taxpayer cost for these prisons is $7,932,388,000, with the average annual cost for each inmate at $47,421. California has about 20 state prisons and we will be focusing on Wasco State Prison-Reception Center (WSPRC). We will be providing specific information on Wasco State Prison-Reception in this paper and suggest an alternative to this prison using the money that is being budgeted to keep this prison running.…
Forensic Evidence 2: Rawlings v. Kentucky, Citation (Justina, 2014) When police representatives, armed with a permit to arrest one Marquess, and also, arrived at his residence, another renter of the home and four visitors, counting supplicant, were there. Although searching the residence ineffectively for Marquess, numerous representatives' smelled marihuana smoke as well as saw marihuana seeds. Determination of the court The Kentucky trial yard denied supplicant's motion to suppress, and also, as a result of a banned detention and against the law explores, the drugs, the cash, and the statements ready by him when the law enforcement discovered the drugs.…
P. Denoon retrieved two burnt metal cylinders, which in my experience are used to consume narcotics, from the driver's rearview mirror (evidence item E1). P. Denoon also retrieved a ½" by ½" zip-lock style baggie containing white powder substance consistent with Cocaine (E2), and a hand rolled suspected Marijuana Cigarette (E3). P. Denoon was then placed into custody. Both parties were advised of their Miranda Rights in full which they verbally waived.…
The Heartland Criminal Justice class travelled to the Wabash County Jail [WCJ] and the Huntington County Jail [HCJ]. Both jails are equally as important, but there are many similarities and differences between the two jails. A few of the differences included how many inmates each jail could hold, the garage sizes and uses, and the jobs that the trustees were given. An important similarity to note about both jails was the fact that both were overpopulated. However, one was overpopulated by a few, while the other was overpopulated by a lot.…
The Eastern State Penitentiary is a prison located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that has long been seen as haunted. The Eastern State Penitentiary is well known for its long and brutal history. The paranormal activity is also a very big factor why this prison is so well known. Also the attractions and publicity that they have gotten from various television shows and the attractions that they provide at the prison.…
While in jail, I had a spiritual awakening. I met a positive brother by the name of Jamal who befriended me early at my stay in the Fort Bend County Jail. Jamal was well in his late fifty’s and he was one of the first inmates to speak to me when I entered the tank.…
A former slave Bridget Biddy Mason was held in Los Angeles County Jail due to her owner demanding her and her children to come back to him but she won her freedom and became a nurse at the county jail where she worked until her contract expired but still came and volunteer. Even though there’s no record of what she saw, according to Lytle Hernandez “Biddy undoubtedly watched as Native people arrested on public order charges weekly filled the danked cells of the L.A. County Jail. She would have seen Natives tied to the log out front and sold to the highest white bidder” (Lytle Hernandez, 51). This is important to class because we can see how black and brown people often get pushed to jobs that nobody want but she also witnessed how they sold…
On July 25, 2003 at approximately 2200hours, I was driving my vehicle at the time (A 96 Maroon Ford Contour) on 1200 block of Penn Ave, Wyomissing, PA 19601. As, I was driving to drop my friend off as his home, I was pulled over for illegal window tint. As the police officer ran my name and license for warrants, he asked me “if there was anything illegal in the car”. I responded, “Yes, and handed him a bag of marijuana. The police officer then issued me a citation for driving with illegal window tint and released me on the scene on my own recognition.…
One issuing facing urban communities that I feel passionately about is the school to prison pipeline. The reason this issue motivates me is that I do not see a lot of resources in our urban schools. One of the reasons is that adults give up on at risked youth in urban school districts. They do not have funding for guidance counselors. The main thing that sets up this pipeline is that the zero tolerance policy we use with our youth.…
Private prisons lobby for harsh criminal laws to increase profit at the cost of inmates’ wellbeing. In 1998 election cycle, private prisons contributed $540,000 to 361 politicians (Anderson, 2009). Bribes were also used as method to encourage private prisons. In 2009, two Pennsylvania judges received $2.6 million to oppose alternative and lenient sentences for juveniles (Anderson, 2009) Incarceration negatively affects recidivism rates (Anderson, 2009).…
This essay is going to about juvenile detention facility on how they teach ,and to see if these facilities are meeting the needs of the juveniles. I have done research and found that adolescents that end up in the juvenile detention facility usually have outrage issues academic challenges or a learning disability. We would think that when these adolescence enter Juvenile Justice System, we would think that the education is the same as in their school or even better to improve their behaviors, but they actually don't. The adolescents that end up in the in detention facility actually do worse because these detention centers don't have the right teaching techniques and don't really spend time with these kids with certain disabilities. I am going to talk about these detention facilities do they provide education and courses for self-improvement and formal education?Some of the questions that we should ask are do some juveniles actually do better in these centers…