At this point of time, Officer Alonso contacted Dispatch and all the other Officers responded and advised dispatch that there would be an Off Property Escort with the patient. Security Officers Carlos Ayuso and Marcellus Wester and Alonso Omar escorted the patient out through the lobby area of the Emergency Department. He kept up with the disrespectful banter all the way through the escort and Security personnel had to guide him out to the curbside on Lake Underhill. On the way back, once Security staff back inside ER lobby, they noticed that patient, Mr. Garlobo had walked back inside the parking lot area facing the ER entrance and then he made a threat that he had a .45 caliber handgun in his car parked in the lot. Security staff observed him and walked towards him but when he saw that Security were walking back towards the parking lot he took off running westbound towards Goldenrod…
On Saturday, August, 20th, 2016 at approximately 02:00 PM, resident Ung Gi Koh went out to the Reed front lawn to meet the Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority Administration Bus that resident Koh thought he left his keys and ID card on. Resident Koh saw the bus leaving and chased after it. While doing so, resident Koh tripped over a fire-hydrant. Two days later resident Koh went to Burke Urgent Care at approximately 5:00 PM. They gave him an ice pack to place on his ankle.…
When looking at various sporting teams or clubs everyone is familiar with the players, and the coaches, but few rarely know the president or owner of the team, the general manager or athletic director. In which all these different roles of sports management are essential for the successfulness of the faces you do see on the regular. The president or owner of a club or team financially owns the club. There are many teams and clubs that have multiple owner that share a percentage of ownership in the team. The general manager and athletic director act in the same capacity but with different teams, sports and clubs.…
On 09-13-17 Detective Napper responded to 4213 Brooks Street NE to investigate an Armed Robbery that just occurred at the location. Upon arrival on scene Detective Napper spoke with the complainant using Officer Echazabal to translate. The complainant reported that he had just left work and he was walking home from the Benning Road Metro Station. The complainant advised that as he was walking pass the BP Gas station when he saw S-1 sitting at the bus stop in front of the BP gas station. When the complainant walked passed S-1, S-1 got up from the bus stop and began following the complainant.…
Trooper, Sean Ruane, of the New York State Police Department was patrolling Long Island southern state parkway early in the morning of June 28, 1993. A pickup truck caught his attention, observed a Mazda tan pickup truck with no license plate and decided to pull to pull the vehicle over, instead, the driver took off. The trooper was going nearly 100 miles per hour trying to keep up, half an hour later, the driver crashed into a street…
On the Thursday 01/19/2017 at 1016 hours, I Officer Chengpor Yang from Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Education Center (LECJEC) 9110 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 responded to a call of a robbery report that took place at LECJEC 9110 Brooklyn Blvd, Brooklyn Park, MN 55445 in the parking lot. Dale Patrick Burns (date of birth: 09/09/1966) parked his black pick-up truck in the parking lot located in the right side of the building (looking at the front entrance doors of the building). Dale Patrick Burns stepped out of his black pickup truck from the driver side and begin to walk along by the driver side toward the back of his black pick-up truck. When Dale Patrick Burns got near behind his black pickup truck, he realizes that he forgot about his backpack. Dale Patrick burns went back to the driver side door of the black pickup truck, opened it, and reached to the back seat to grab his brown leather backpack that contain a Dell's Laptop.…
Introduction When Peyton Manning was first drafted by the Colts 1998, no one knew what he would become. Would he struggle in the NFL or become one of the best quarterbacks to play the game? We now know he would go on to raise the bar of being one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL. Peyton Manning did not rise to the pinnacle of the game by himself, he utilized effective leadership to rally his team to many victories, including two super bowls. By demonstrating certain characteristics, he gained the trust and respect of his teammates along with others apart of the league.…
Shelton Gibson has to rank among the fastest wide receivers in West Virginia University history, so when he posted a 4.5 clocking in the 40-yard dash earlier this month at the NFL Combine in Indianapolis something seemed a little off. “A lot of teams were telling me they were glad I posted a 4.5. I was like ‘why?’” Gibson said following West Virginia's pro day Friday morning inside the Caperton Indoor Practice facility. “They said if anybody thinks you run a 4.5 they’re crazy.…
My decision to major in athletic training came when I was diagnosed with a sports related injury. Studying my injury and working with trainers opened my mind to majoring in sports medicine. Knowing that with my degree I will help prevent sports related injures and treat athletes just like me seemed liked the perfect fit. East Carolina University has one of the best athletic training programs in the state of North Carolina. When deciding where to further my education I wanted a university that had a program specific to my degree that focused on education and on-the-job training.…
aderinsola dawodu developmental writing The big key The game is won in the trenches. while football is know as one of the most exciting sport to watch. football fans should know the importance of the position.…
The NFL has not effectively managed the concussion crisis because they did not alert players nor the public immediately upon research findings that football had a link to brain injuries. It was in October 1999 “The NFL Retirement Board rules that Mike Webster’s head injuries from his years playing for the Pittsburgh Steelers and Kansas City Chiefs left him “totally and permanently” disabled as “the result of head injuries he suffered as a football player.” “. (Ezell, 2013) The NFL’s own retirement board conducted research which lead to the correlation of Mike Webster playing football for 17 years and his now permanent and disabling brain damage and refused to release this information to the public until 2009.…
One of the most important positions on the football field is the defensive line. Most people think that it is all about running to the quarterback but little do they know it is all about technique. A lineman knows the steps to become a good defensive lineman. In order to become a good defensive lineman, a player must line up in a 3 or 5 technique, get in a 3 or 4 point stance, and briefly know the gap responsibility. First, the defensive line must line up in what a defensive coach or coordinator call a “3 or 5 technique”.…
After The Mechanic is choked he proceeds to get up and give a story about his past. He talks about his childhood and how he thought he found a meteorite but it turned out to be just a rock. He then says that perhaps he could get on the news if he threw the rock off a bridge and murdered somebody. After explaining the story of his past, he says “I was somebody’s golden child, somebody’s little hope. Now, I’m more just, you know, a local resident”(Eno 15).…
Leadership on the line by Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linksys is a very timely book. Maggie’s description of her Indian community and the effects of alcohol made me think of many urban communities and the pain that lurks in those communities. The stories she shares about Lois and the heart she had for her community and desire to make it better make you think we need more leaders like that. Lois leadership inspired me because she saw something wrong in her community she believed she could bring change. Lois is a good picture of servanthood she doesn’t sit and think someone should so something…
To begin with, ‘Heart’ refers to the role of front office as the heart of the hotel. From the management perspective, front office is the heart of the hotel operation and brings all the departments together to provide the high quality of service. The front office has to cooperate with different departments in its operation, such as accounting, and engineering department. For example, the accounting department, Kasavana (2013, p.74) pointed out that “its success depends on close coordination with the front office”. This is because the front office staff has to handle the financial transactions, for instance, they have to receive the payments from the guests when they check out.…