“The millennials are definitely the ones that are responding to the social media. They’re the ones that are seeing something advertised on Facebook, seeing your Instagram account, checking out the new products that way,” Busciacco said. “The baby boomers, I think, just come into the store. They’re not the ones who are using our social media as often. They’re coming into the store [and responding to] your typical forms of advertising, your sale shelf fliers and that kind of stuff.”
Busciacco also enrolls all his customers into a text message program.
“Nowadays, more so than email, they’re …show more content…
“We need to do the research, do the work. The best thing any of the retailers or manufacturers [can do is] have their own data… It might not be broken down by demographic, but they can look at spending by certain product attributes, size of distribution,” Gibbons said. “...The closer the data gets to the consumer, the more it becomes actionable.”
When analyzing these trends, Gibbons points out that there are many more layers to each generation than just what life stage the different-aged consumers are in. For example, each generation’s member also has race, socioeconomic status, and other demographic indicators that can play a role in what pet products they buy and how much. Truly understanding the entire picture of your customers’ makeup can really help with sales.
“We’re getting more educated, respond to that,” Gibbons said. “We see people, we have more access to information than ever before.”
Murbach agrees that analyzing research is an important step for companies to take when creating or selling a