One of the main characteristics is the ability to properly understand one of the main characteristics of the marketing concept is knowing the needs of customers that is the basis for the functioning of each company and the condition for its financial success. The products that Clare Chocolate is making is the one that most accurately and most fully responds to the client's needs. Therefore, the ability to analyze customer needs is a basic skill that requires constant improvements.
Another one is to satisfy most of the consumers they have to do a research on what potential client will be interested. In caching customers eye Clare chocolate will have to identify how …show more content…
2. Explain Clare’s Chocolates micro and macro environment. (100 words) micro-environment of the company are all economic entities that affect the company, but the impact of which can also affect the company. Clare Chocolate Micro Environment includes customers, raw material suppliers, competitors, producers of substitute goods, producers of complementary goods, employees.
The company's macro is all factors and events that have a direct impact on the company, but they cannot be regulated by them themselves. Thus, macro-environment creates conditions conducive to the functioning of the company, and the factors that create these conditions are called the surroundings of the company. The surroundings that occur in macro environment are as follows: economic environment, social environment, demographic environment, political and legal environment, international environment, technological environment
3. Explain why market research and the information gathered are important to an organisation like Clare’s Chocolates. (150 …show more content…
Include one quantitative and one qualitative research technique in your response.
Clare’s Chocolate gather information to know what are the trends in market, finding tastes to provide best quality product and match prices that product is worth buying. By doing this they need to gather Information about best products, find out pricing strategy, measure the best price compared to other similar products and also promote product market research is very important to satisfy customers.
There 2 field of market research techniques is quantitative research that Clare Chocolate can use, each of them has its own specificity and is used in various situations, depending on factors such as the product type, the size of the sample, the budget of the study, the type of data we want to obtain Clare Chocolate can identify the following types of quantitative research, Survey methods, direct interview, packaging survey, points of sale and consumer