For the trial I was a lawyer for the Crown and did the cross-examination of Bobbie Bann and the closing statements. Our group’s goal was to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Bobbie Bann knew he was shooting Fallon King. We focused in on a few different areas, what possible motives Mr. Bann would have and the different holes in the story Bobbie Bann presented to the court. Looking first as the noise he woke up to, it was only the weathervane scratching against the roof, a noise he should’ve recognized as it happened often. As well, our goal was to show that the neighbourhood was safe and not a threat, proving that Bobbie should not have to jumped to such a conclusion so quickly. Furthermore, he never noticed Fallon was not in the bedroom or even considered that she could have been the person in the toilet. The Crown wanted to show through our questioning of Mr. Bann that if the circumstances were how he said, he would have noticed Fallon was not there. He also never once called the police, which we asked about to show that he did not call the police because he knew that someone was not breaking in and that he was shooting at Fallon. Our last piece of evidence was the three bullet holes in the door and four bullet wounds on Fallon King’s body. The most logical explanation is that the door had to have been open for the last shot to have been delivered without …show more content…
Our goal as prosecution was to show that a reasonable person would not have acted the same way that Bobbie Bann claims he did that night, and to show that the night was not the way Bobbie Bann and the Defence