Based on Oscars past unruly behavior, there are indications that he intentionally murder of Steenkamp. Lelo Mzaca, one of Oscars so called friends, when referring to Pistorius, states “In 2009 there was an incident where he slammed a door on a woman, allegedly, and he was arrested and charged with assault and spent a night in custody. However, he was released of charges the charges were dropped” (Oscar Pistorius: Valentine’s Day Murder?). Mzca proves that there are no signs of Pistorius having a clear record. Months before the 14th of February, Pistorius was accused of assaulting a woman, meaning this took place before the murder of his girlfriend. This behavior was unruly and for a man with so much success in life, this type of behavior is not normal for a famous figure, one that is greatly looked up to. When you are an inspiration to others, people expect you to act professional and to not act out in extreme measures in public. While discussing the athlete, Oscar Pistorius, the Article “Oscar Pistorius: A look at the significant moments in his life” Fox News claims in February of 2009 “Crashes a speed boat on a dam in South Africa sustaining serious facial and other injuries. Later concedes he needed to make changes in his life after taking "unnecessary risks." (“Oscar Pistorius”). Pistorius had been acting a little odd in February of 2013. This particular incident happened some time before the murder of Steenkamp and it even occurred within days of shots being fired. In fact, Pistorius inflicted pain against himself in an incident he had caused around this time. Oscar personally acknowledged that he was a harm to himself and needed to discover the good in himself again. Fox News, an american news source, states an act of bad sportsmanship leads Oscar Pistorius to apologize. Pistorius, a sore loser, accused his competition of not following the rules after he was beat at the paralympics. Oscar’s competition, Alan Oliveira, a Brazilian, had beat Pistorius in the 200 meter dash in London. This lead Oscar to accuse Oliveria of having blades, ones that he used for the race, going against the organization's rules (“Oscar Pistorius”). By this point in time, Oscar had proven 2012 as not being his year. He couldn’t help but feel sorry for himself with all the he had put himself through. Pistorius once tried to pour this sorrow onto someone else by making false accusations against them. Oscar Pistorius’s strange actions led to him sitting in the front of the court, attempting to testify his case. Pistorius’s odd behavior and actions played no role in proving the crime as accidental. The only thing …show more content…
The Judge on the ABC News report asks “How could the accused reasonably have foreseen that he shot he fired would kill the deceased? Clearly, he did not subjectively foresee this as a possibility that it would kill the person behind the door ” (“Oscar Pistorius Verdict”). The Judge, who sides with Oscar, agrees that the door obstructed the view of the possible “intruder.” In that moment, the only thing Oscar was worried about was his safety and Reeva's, who he thought was still asleep in bed. He was only trying to protect the both of them from his worst fears, being attacked by an intruder. Based on previous claims, Oscar should have known it was Reeva in the bathroom. Had he had enough time to grab and look for a gun, he should have had time to be able to see the missing body from his