This paper includes a memorandum requesting consideration of a blended biometric solution for a specific company. Included in the memorandum is an analysis of the blended attacks that have occurred against the organization and the risks associated with the attacks. This memorandum is to include recommendations for best practices for blended biometric solutions that should be implemented both foreign and domestic by the security administrators for marginalization and prevention.
December 04, 2016
MEMORANDUM TO: Executive Leadership
FROM: Samanthea L. Price, Information Security Manager DATE: December 10, 2016
SUBJECT: Proposed Implementation of Biometrics Authentication Solution for SLP Information Technologies, Inc. Background SLP, Inc has been using biometrics since the 1970s, and with improvements in the technologies used to collect and share this information, SLP, Inc’s use of biometrics has increased. This method of access identification increased, reports have called on SLP, Inc to improve its management of biometrics activities and, over time, SLP, Inc has taken some key actions. Meanwhile, a new concept called identity management is emerging of which authentication biometrics is an integral part. …show more content…
Included in this memorandum is a history of biometrics along with information in regards to the blended attacks that have occurred recently within the organization both internationally and domestically. Therefore, a blended biometric solution is recommended for the SLP, Inc. organization to strengthen authentication identification for identity its management. The blended biometric solution recommended is Fingerprinting and Retina or Iris Scans. Implementing this blended or combined biometric solution is less expensive comparatively to the combination of other solutions researched such as Face Recognition, Hand Geometry, and Signature Identification. Biometrics Background According to Bidgoli, (2012), physiological elements are used in biometric authentication to security measures Bidgoli, (2012). Bidgoli, (2012) Portend biometric methods have characteristics not included or available in other security measures Bidgoli, (2012). Solutions for identity and authentication need to be easy to implement wherever authentication is required. Implementing identity and authentication security measures allow organizations to optimize security and mitigate authentication risks. SLP, Inc. has incorporated controls attempting to secure systems with strong authentication methods with the use of biometric technology. These efforts sometimes cause issues for the SLP, Inc. user, and other entry methods found which may increase the risk to the security of the organization’s data and information. The most recent authentication identification methods used by SLP, Inc. have been the use of Tokens and Password or Pins. Recent studies have shown that organizations …show more content…
In the end, what may prove most useful is the mix of biometric methods. Sophisticated computer network attacks that increase human resource, maintenance and operation costs prompt the need for more advanced security techniques. Without added measures of security, the networks of organizations everywhere will be increasingly susceptible to additional types of attacks.
Biometrics involves being able to compare objects and determining if there is a match.
Biometric authentication captures an image and builds a template of the image to be used for future comparison. Biometric templates are outlines of images stored in a database located on a server. After a blended biometric template has been built and securely stored on a server within a database, the biometric template is scanned into a system in a request for access. When access is requested, the template is recalled and compared to what is located on the network server as described by the template. When a match is identified, access is granted, and if not then access is denied.
Blended Attacks