Through this device the department keeps check of the performance of on duty police officers, the footages also function as an evidence of the encounters of the police officers with the locals in case of any incidence or controversy. This forces the policeman to work whole heartedly and honestly once knowing he is under check. It is also a way of keeping track of the operation taking place. Like a policeman entering a building with a gun can’t carry a camera along, to transfer live info to their workstation to get direct commands from there, so lapel camera is a big plus in such situations. The camera has a potential of capturing the features of the corresponding person and scan the existing data for a match in case the person is, on the wanted list or required for interrogation for processing a particular case. The Police Chief Charlie Beck told that after the trial period of three months 600 cameras have been purchased that will ensure accountability of the police force. In addition to that, the organization has equipped 300 of its cars with video recorders too. This was being planned since …show more content…
In the future, an all-in-one platform will be provided to the cops that will cater all the requirements of a cop. The policemen will be provided with a direct access to biometric data of the particular region so that concealing ones identity becomes nearly impossible for anyone. The already existing biometric data storage and identification process has many loop holes. It is predicted that in future this technology will be improved to higher levels ensuring personal privacy intact and precise levels of findings. There is a large room for such improvements in the system as well as the components of the system, and a lot can be done in order to make the police force dauntless. Advancement in technology will in turn change the outlook of the cop all together. In the future cops may not be wearing big boots and large bullet proof jackets. We can expect officers promoting friendly relations with the natives of the area they are securing. This won’t only exhibit a positive atmosphere but also help in solving cases due to co-operation of the residents. Hence eradicating the mischievous souls. In the long run there won’t be any criminals left in the