Hooton's son, Taylor, who committed suicide in 2003, and his wife Gwen testified to Congress about the use of steroids, her son was on (Perez 1). Soon after that, the Hooton family setup a foundation in honor of their son. Many doctors weigh in on the situation, in which some of their opinions were negative and some of them were positive. Bell talked to other bodybuilders about using supplements and how a special ingredient, can change a person's physique. Bell went on to show the audience, how a supplement is made. Bell says that he can make a supplement for a dollar and sell it for sixty bucks. Nowadays, supplements are expensive to buy in the store. Bell went on to interviewed Rick Schaff. Schaff is a fitness model photographer, and he says that it's ridiculous to see the photoshopping in magazine covers. It relates to steroids because most of the bodybuilders take steroids in order for them to be on the cover of a magazine. For example, Muscle & Fitness magazine. Most of those bodybuilders were inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger magazine covers back when they were little. Towards the end of documentary, Bell and his brothers says that steroids are not the problem, they're just another side effect of being
Hooton's son, Taylor, who committed suicide in 2003, and his wife Gwen testified to Congress about the use of steroids, her son was on (Perez 1). Soon after that, the Hooton family setup a foundation in honor of their son. Many doctors weigh in on the situation, in which some of their opinions were negative and some of them were positive. Bell talked to other bodybuilders about using supplements and how a special ingredient, can change a person's physique. Bell went on to show the audience, how a supplement is made. Bell says that he can make a supplement for a dollar and sell it for sixty bucks. Nowadays, supplements are expensive to buy in the store. Bell went on to interviewed Rick Schaff. Schaff is a fitness model photographer, and he says that it's ridiculous to see the photoshopping in magazine covers. It relates to steroids because most of the bodybuilders take steroids in order for them to be on the cover of a magazine. For example, Muscle & Fitness magazine. Most of those bodybuilders were inspired by Arnold Schwarzenegger magazine covers back when they were little. Towards the end of documentary, Bell and his brothers says that steroids are not the problem, they're just another side effect of being