More transgenders are coming out proudly, thanks to Caitlin Jenner. I am Cait, is the story about a transgender male who has made a huge step for the transgender community. This reality TV show stars Caitlin Jenner and portrays the story of how and why she decided to come out as transgender. She has always felt that she possessed a female brain, heart and soul. He has reinvented himself as a female which he has felt like since he can remember. Bruce Jenner, Caitlin’s former self was a famous Olympic Gold Medal winner. Caitlin along with many other men and women are trying to win the fight against sexist stereo types. Tran’s genders suppress their identities for many reasons which include family expectations, social pressures and knowing if their thoughts and feelings are valid. Discussions on transgender have risen to distinction in this country. Caitlin has recently accepted the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage. It took a lot of thought and courage for her to come out the way she did, in the spot light of the media. She did not talk about choices, as being transgender is not a choice. Most of society now understand that sexual orientation is not a choice. Medical research has shown that it is a matter of hormones, brain biology, genetics and prenatal development. Society, family, culture and personality determine how freely one expresses sexual orientation. …show more content…
Transgenders are often called drag queens, gay or lesbian. Being transgender does not necessarily mean they are attracted to the same sex as their gender born identity. The most common impact of sexual discrimination is suicide, especially in adolescents. Race and ethnicity also play a large roll in prejudice and discrimination. The way we see ourselves and the world. African Americans seem to be in the news a lot lately. On the news we see hate crimes being acted upon on a daily bases. Hate crimes being antagonized and beatings undeserved. We must see past the color of skin and vocal accents to get beyond prejudice and discrimination. We are all the same, no matter how people try to convince themselves otherwise. Today, most of the prejudice actions are against African Americans and Muslims. There have been numerous crimes throughout history and still today. According to the FBI hate crime statistics state that, ”there were a total of 8152 hate crimes reported around the country. 4368 (53.6%) were racial bias motivated; 1483 (18.2%) were religious bias motivated; sexual orientation bias accounted for 1330 (16.3%); ethnicity/national origin bias was the cause of 927 (11.4%); disability bias was connected with 36 (0.4%); and the remaining 8 incidents (0.1%) were the result of multiple