In baseball they wear a helmet and maybe some padding just in case they get hit with a ball coming at them at 90mph. If they hit the other team then they can get thrown out of the game because it can cause a fight. In cricket they wear two gloves that are for catching the ball all day. With baseball they just wear one glove. They have several gloves for different position. An outfielder may have a bigger glove than a middle infielder because an outfielder has to have a bigger pocket to catch the ball. The first baseman has a webby pocket so he can scope up the baseball when someone throws a bad throw to them. A catcher has a big pocket which allows him to catch a fastball where it will not hurt his hand
In baseball they wear a helmet and maybe some padding just in case they get hit with a ball coming at them at 90mph. If they hit the other team then they can get thrown out of the game because it can cause a fight. In cricket they wear two gloves that are for catching the ball all day. With baseball they just wear one glove. They have several gloves for different position. An outfielder may have a bigger glove than a middle infielder because an outfielder has to have a bigger pocket to catch the ball. The first baseman has a webby pocket so he can scope up the baseball when someone throws a bad throw to them. A catcher has a big pocket which allows him to catch a fastball where it will not hurt his hand