Priscilla is her second-born child and the first one diagnosed with mild autism. Tina was born a year later, similar to Priscilla, but with a more challenging social behavior. …show more content…
Of course, they can be included in the general education classroom by all means, but they would not always be able to keep up with their classmates. There is a reason they have an aide or another classroom for them to help them learn at their own pace. To be in the general education classroom without an attendant and excluded from the resource room is foolish. In my opinion, it is like the parent not admitting their child has special needs and can handle the same work equally as a child without any disability. It is a mistake that they cannot accept their child has a disability, but luckily there are very few parents like that. I am still glad to see Dana promoting love among her daughters, but I do not agree with her arrangements for them in a school