The primary document of Royal Australian Air Force Nursing Service in New Guinea provided by the Australian War Memorial in 1944, demonstrated the selflessness and courage of a small [RAAF] 'flying nurse', Senior Sister Nancy Mc Bean of Melbourne. She was the last crew to leave the sinking aircraft during the forced landing incident in September 1944. Despite being in such a dangerous situation she mentioned that her patient was her priority and it was ''nothing to make a fuss about '' (RAAF Nursing Service in New Guinea). The repetition dialogues of 'Sister, can I have a drink please?'… 'Sister, my head hurts.' … ' Sister can you spare a minute?'… (RAAF Nursing Service in New Guinea), showed the enthusiasm from Sister Nancy Mc Bean. The Australian Women's Auxiliary Service (AWAS), quoted from Patsy Adam-Smith, Australian Women At War, Penguin, Melbourne, (page 195-196), by Dorothea Skov in 1984, illustrated the tremendous changes on men's attitude ''At first, it was a total battle to get men to accept us as colleage. They were very hostile … the returned men appreciated this...'' (The Australian Women's Auxiliary Service
The primary document of Royal Australian Air Force Nursing Service in New Guinea provided by the Australian War Memorial in 1944, demonstrated the selflessness and courage of a small [RAAF] 'flying nurse', Senior Sister Nancy Mc Bean of Melbourne. She was the last crew to leave the sinking aircraft during the forced landing incident in September 1944. Despite being in such a dangerous situation she mentioned that her patient was her priority and it was ''nothing to make a fuss about '' (RAAF Nursing Service in New Guinea). The repetition dialogues of 'Sister, can I have a drink please?'… 'Sister, my head hurts.' … ' Sister can you spare a minute?'… (RAAF Nursing Service in New Guinea), showed the enthusiasm from Sister Nancy Mc Bean. The Australian Women's Auxiliary Service (AWAS), quoted from Patsy Adam-Smith, Australian Women At War, Penguin, Melbourne, (page 195-196), by Dorothea Skov in 1984, illustrated the tremendous changes on men's attitude ''At first, it was a total battle to get men to accept us as colleage. They were very hostile … the returned men appreciated this...'' (The Australian Women's Auxiliary Service