Attitudes Shift On Paid Leave: Dads Sue, Too Analysis

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If you asked most people which gender is most likely to be discriminated against, most people would say women. However based on the article “Attitudes Shift on Paid Leave: Dads Sue, Too,” written by Noah Scheiber, Men who are asking for paternity leave are being denied the leave and some are even being mocked and fired as a result of taking the leave. Scheiber gives evidence that paternity discrimination is happening and also that it’s a problem. The first example that Scheiber gives is the recent case that was resolved between CNN and Tuner Broadcasting. In the case Josh Leves, a former CNN correspondent was trying to get paternity leave. Leves discovered that biological mothers were offered ten weeks of paid leave and biological fathers were offered two weeks of paid leave. Leves filed a charge when the company wouldn’t grant him more time. He won the suit and was given a settlement. Now CNN and Turner Broadcasting will provide six weeks of paid leave to both biological mothers and fathers, and more if there are medical needs. The Second example in the article was, a man named Ariel Ayanna was suing the law firm he worked at because he was told not to come to work and eventually fired for taking a paternal leave. His wife was suicidal after having their child so he took a paternal leave, which was covered under the Family and Medical Leave Act in 2008. In his complaint he said that the law firm where he worked encouraged a “macho” culture. By this he meant that the firm encouraged their workers to fulfill the stereotypical male role in the family and that the role of “homemaker” should be left up to the wife. He made the complaint to a partner of the firm and was mocked and made fun of for taking care of his wife and kids. When he came back from his paternal …show more content…
It is unfair for men to now be allowed to have the same leave time as women. Heck, if men want to spend time with there kids then we need to let them. Children need a good father figure in their lives. Just look at all the black kids that have grown up without fathers. They are all bad kids and will probably end up in jail before they turn 25. (I’m just kidding) There are countless studies that have been done on the effect of paternal interaction with a child. In one study 22,300 datasets were reviewed and what was discovered was that regular father engagement with a child most likely produces a positive outcome for that child (Sarkadi, Kristiansson, Oberklaid, & Bremberg, 2008). So by allowing fathers to have more time with their children we can predict that those children will be better behaved and more accomplished than those who don’t. Mothers are also in need of support. After a mother gives birth she can develop the “baby blues”. This is pretty much depression. After the mother gives birth she begins to loose hormones quite rapidly. This sudden drop in hormones can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. With a mother in this state it is imperative for her husband to be at home with here to support her both emotionally and mentally. So by allowing man to have the same off time as women both the child and the mother

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