Rhetorical Analysis Paid family leave has become a more controversial subject over time, some say. According to Lisa Belkin, author of the article Paid Family Leave: Can We Change The Maternity And Paternity Leave Debates To Include Everyone, the United States have not fully addressed the need or want for paid maternity/ paternity leave or to take it one step further to include paid family leave. She states that many other countries such as “Sweden (480 days), Germany (365 days), Italy (90), Kenya (14), Switzerland (3), and Indonesia (2) provide paternity leave (Belkin).…
Motherhood has been viewed as a glorified state throughout decades and mothers have been held to a high standard. Abby Arnold, the author of “The Rhetoric of Motherhood”, explains that these views have “became the justification for political and economic restrictions on women, the foundation for placing on the mother sole responsibility for how her children developed.” Through our language, lack of considering the fathers roles, corporate structure and stereotypes, we are still stuck with these ideologies of motherhood. It is clear that although we have made many advances in our society of accepting working mothers, we still have a way to go. The “myths of motherhood still permeate our culture” and restrict mothers from having a career and from being a mom (Arnold,2003).…
It is simply ridiculous to think that women somehow lose all their capabilities when they give birth. The World Economic Forum has found that “…empowering women means a more efficient use of a nation’s human talent endowment and…reducing gender inequality enhances productivity and economic growth. Over time, therefore, a nation’s competitiveness depends, among other things, on whether and how it educated and utilizes its female talent.” This shows that by giving women a fair chance in the workforce by stopping all the discrimination against women, that make the choice to return back to work from parental leave, doesn’t just benefit women but also the nation.…
Employment prospects are a key issue for everyone in today’s economy, but that does not subtract from the advantages that can be gained from government-funded contraceptives. One of the advantages of available contraceptives is that women can choose when to have a child. If a woman would rather wait to have a child until after college graduation she has the choice to take contraceptives to help with that plan. In following that plan, it is widely believed that a college graduate will have better employment than those with less…
An increase of maternity leave has been proven to help infants and their overall health: “The authors were able to attribute a twenty percent dip in infant deaths to a 10-week extension in paid leave” (Lerner 1). Once maternity leave was extended, it became evident that it was necessary to keep up with infant health. It is obvious that, by extending maternity leave length, the infants born benefit dramatically, most likely due to the mother and child growing a deeper bond as they spend more time together. Not only that, but returning too early to work harms mental health for the babies: “Mothers’ return to work in the first year postpartum had detrimental effects on childhood cognitive development, particularly for return to work in the first three months postpartum” (“Parental Leave” 3). The impacts on the cognitive development for the babies involved allows enough concern to increase the amount of days given to women for maternity leave, especially because many women go back to their work within a couple of weeks after giving birth.…
She cherry picks her resources and facts to fit the agenda at hand. Bravo states and demonstrates ethos in her statement “according to the Department of Labor many employed mothers who return to work after only two weeks of giving birth are often faced with maternal and infant health concerns” (Bravo 1). On the other hand, employed mothers who take adequate time to heal and bond with their infants often are faced with financial hardship because of prolonged time off work. Bravo creates a generalized polarization with contrasting both of the extremes of the effects of either not enough unpaid leave or too much unpaid leave to demonstrate her claims. The Family and Medical Leave Act was passed through congress in 1993 (Bravo 1).…
It is also in society’s best interest to allow women time to recuperate after giving birth and to give babies time to bond with their mothers. In most cases, it is even in the business’s own economic interest to give women longer maternity leaves. Through communication, preparation, and flexibility, the United States can and should begin to offer its pregnant employees longer and paid leaves (Budak). Many employers’ expectations have not changed since the days when moms took care of the house and dads brought home the money (Warner 28). However, in today’s society sixty-three percent of women are co-breadwinners and employers need to adjust their expectations accordingly (Warner 27).…
Maternity leave is also a contributing factor as to why there is still a gender pay gap as many salaries are performance related and so are not earning as much as males who are still working after child birth. Data analysed by the House of Commons library found that 14% of the 340,000 women who take maternity leave each year find their jobs under threat when they try to return, with some told that they cannot continue in their role part-time. Some women are forced into positions with less responsibility and find it harder to get a promotion, while others are effectively constructively dismissed. Georgina Joseph, UK, told The Telegraph that she regretfully arranged with her boss to come back to work part-time informally but the offer was later withdrawn and was told that she could return on the exact terms of her previous employment (five days a week) or nothing at all. She worked out that if she had gone back full-time, she would have seen her baby, awake, for less than 23 hours a week.…
The topic I chose for my Senior Research is longer paid parental leave. The reason why I chose this topic is my mother struggled a lot when she had my little sister because my father could not take time off from work to be with his newborn baby or help my mother with her recovery. Due to the fact that, currently in the United States, 38% of all employers offer paid parental leave. Parents of newborns in the United States should have longer parental leave with pay because parents, especially fathers, will be more involved in the baby’s life, parental leave will benefit the child’s development, and employers will benefit from giving paid parental leave by receiving positive outcomes such as higher retention rates from employees. What I knew…
Paid leave improves worker’s retention. Women who take paid leave are more likely to return back to work nine to twelve months after child birth. Also, they’re more likely to return to the same employer. This can save employers money through the reduction of turnover cost (Albelda and Mandell, 2015, p.1). Despite concerns of parental leave hurting productivity, a 2011 study showed the California Paid Leave program had positive effects on employee productivity and performance.…
How long can they afford to stay home if the leave is unpaid? Would returning to work pose a health risk to herself and her newborn? The questions posed can be resolved by examining how a woman balances three sets of factors that will impact her decision: employment concerns, concerns over her own health and that of her child, and economic concerns (Queneau, Hervé and Marmo).” Then came the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications, and governmental activities – this was also an important advancement for Americans in the workforce (U.S. Department of Labor [DOL ]). It is imporatant to note that some (but not all) employees had access to leave programs through union contracts, employer policies, or state legislation regarding leave policy, however, the coverage provided under these stipulations was rarely as inclusive as the provisions provided under the FMLA.…
When women take time off for maternity leave, men, in the meantime, will be taking advantage of all the training programmes they can eat up. Not only will they be taking advantage of this, they will have surpassed the women who were previously on the same playing field as them and will be more qualified for higher-paying jobs. You cannot expect to get a raise or job promotion when you have been off work for an extended length of time. Furthermore, when women take time off work as a result of childbirth, they can make a comeback to the workforce. However, many women do not return for a career but instead, a job which will make just enough to cover the bills.…
While it was reported that 40 weeks of maternity leave led to the lowest number of neonatal deaths (Ruhm), in the United States, employers are allowed, but not required, to offer up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for special circumstances such as childbirth (Gilpin). However, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, less than 15 percent of Americans are actually offered the paid parental leave (Gilpin). In the unlikely event that they are given this option, female physicians still find themselves taking only about 6.5 weeks of maternity leave (Fang). That is just a little more than half of the time that they were given. Why are these women leaving their newborns at home and going back to work so…
Allowing a pregnant woman to work in a job can become unhealthy and perilous for the woman herself. Many events can cause a pregnant woman to injure or harm herself, and in some cases, her child can receive no comfortableness. As a matter of fact, it can leave the mother delirious. “In a brief filed in October, U.P.S. said it is discontinuing its policy of not accommodating pregnant workers as a matter of ‘corporate discretion’, but claims the policy was legal and denies any liability for damages.” (Editorial Board, para.…
While the questions of parental leave is most frequently considered in the light of a woman’s ability to take time off from work after giving birth, the importance of paternity leave must also be considered.…