ASQ-3 is a set of questionnaires about children’s development. It has been used for more than 20 years to make sure children are developing well. The ASQ was developed with the recognition and need for parents and family members to become genuinely involved in the assessment, intervention, and evaluation activities surrounding their infants and young children who were at risk or had disabilities. The ASQ derived from studies that led to the development of a monitoring system for infants and children that relied essentially on feedback from parents or primary caregivers.
The purpose of ASQ is early and accurate identification of infants and young children that may demonstrate signs of developmental delays or disorders. The goal is to timely deliver early intervention services in order for children to meet age …show more content…
A screening provides a quick look at how children are doing in important areas, such as communication, physical ability, social skills, and problem-solving skills. ASQ-3 can help identify your child’s strengths as well as any areas where your child may need support.
Parents/caregivers will answer each question “yes,” “sometimes,” or “not yet,” based on what your child is able to do now. That’s why ASQ-3 questionnaires are designed to be filled out by the parent. It only takes 10–15 minutes to complete and it’s considered quick and easy.
The ASQ is written in a question format that is considered easy to administer. The reading level of each questionnaire ranges from fourth to the sixth grade, and illustrations are provided when possible to assist parents and early childhood teachers in understanding the items. Familiarity with the child being screened is highly recommended for use of the ASQ. Interpretation of the results requires professionals or trained paraprofessionals.