who looked very shy when she saw me. I had to wait for her to be comfortable with me before doing the assessment. Base on the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, her communication was appropriate for her age. She is able to follow directions correctly. When I asked for her name, she gave me both her first and last names. E.P is also able to speak in full sentences in both English and Tagalog language. She interacts mostly with her parents at home and seldom plays with kids outside. If children interact with others who have strong language skills, they are more likely to affect the child’s language in a positive way (Papalia, 2012, p. 241). For the gross motor test, E.P. showed a very good result. She is able to walk up in stairs using her one foot on each stair. T.P. says that most of the time she does not hold on to the railing or wall when she walks up the stairs. She is also able to catch a ball with both hands and to throw them overarm. According to T.P., catch the ball is one of E.P.’s favorite games. One of the influencing factors for this physical development may be because her parents allow her to do unstructured play. Child’s physical development flourishes more during active unstructured physical play (Papalia, 2012, p. 218). E.P. also did well on her fine motor test. She brought out crayon from her bag and started scribbling on the paper. She preferred using her right hand over the other when we were doing the test. This …show more content…
did very well on the problem solving portion as well. I showed her a picture of a baby and she was able to identify it correctly. I had her say two to three numbers in the same order and she followed it correctly. T.P. says that E.P. sometimes pretends to be someone else when playing and just let her to do so. She usually pretends to be a doctor. Pretend play is common during preschool years and is important in the development of social and thinking skills of the child (Papalia, 2012, p. 265). In the personal-social part, she did pretty well too. E.P. was able to identify herself when standing in front of the mirror. She knows how to put the jacket on her own. T.P. says that she also knows how to eat by herself, but they still feed her once in a while because she takes a long time to finish her food. E.P identified herself as a girl and this is known as gender awareness one develops in early childhood (Papalia, 2012, p.