Two different type of resources that are offered through the library are scholarly recourses and popular resources. Scholarly resources are publications written by scholars or someone who has done research prior to writing the publication. Popular resources are publications written by professional writers that are meant to inform its readers about a topic. Both sources can have reliable information that someone could use when researching subjects and writing papers. …show more content…
First is why you are using the library rather then just researching your topic on the internet. The internet has good reliable sources that would certainly help you with research but when looking up a topic but when you get results through a search engine the most reliable resources will not be the first few links and it will take some searching through websites to get good reliable sources. When searching through the library it will give the exact resources you are looking for rather then assuming what you need. Remember when searching you want to be very specific and instead of using sentences you want to use main ideas so the search results will be relevant to what you are looking