Your music is reminiscent of classic Rock and Pop, who were your influences?
Arthur: “Well, It’s very wide. It wasn’t just influenced by classic Rock and Pop. I was influenced by Classical music, and Jazz, and Rhythm & Blues music--all kinds …show more content…
Arthur: “It’s been a tremendous amount of musical and personal discovery. I made Rock music, as well as things Jazz and classically influenced. I’ve also done things experimental and forward thinking in nature. So, for me it’s really been involved. Some people make the same thing over and over again, and that not what I do. I continually try to explore, and find that fascinating.
When you released Emperor's New Sound, there was another EP released as well. Would you tell me about it?
Arthur: “It is an experimental record, with another five song EP, that was released called “It’s No Way to Treat a Piano.” Where I took an acoustic piano and altered it, to such an extent you cannot recognized it as a piano. Most of the attention went to “Emperor’s New Sound.” You can find it on most of the streaming services. When you make a strange and a vanguard record; it’s hard for people to get; and the press tends to gravitate towards the Pop and Rock stuff.
This is the first time you have done a completely digital recording, Why …show more content…
It struck me that most people are streaming things, or use iTunes now. So, from a pollution, and from a cost standpoint, it makes the most sense. I think it is great that artists do not have to get into printing and shipping; and I think there are so many ways for people who want a tangible product have to do it online now. Or they can just burn a cd. Most record stores are disappearing. I think for me personally; I will still grab a cd too. But, more often than not, I am embracing the new technology.
What are your thoughts on digital vs. analog recordings?
Arthur: “That’s an interesting question. I am not one to shy away from any new technology. However, when Digital started out it sounded terrible, it was young, [as the technology] got further and further along, they worked out lot problems. Sonically, and technically it got better. As a result, I now use it.
What do you think of the current state of music