Presently, two very different people are competing against each other to rule over America, one possessing the necessary credentials and more and the other spouting ludicrous notions anytime he is given a microphone. The latter being presidential candidate, Donald Trump. Lately, he has been repeating the phrase “One people under one God” (NPR). Trump's words deny Americans the rights of which their country was founded on: diversity, independance, freedom of speech. However, it can be argued that that he is contradicting himself in saying this. In one aspect, his dream could unite the country as one, though as formerly stated, what he wishes to do will oppose the American tradition of religious freedom (NPR). …show more content…
For instance, the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 showcase religious intolerance breeding destructive fear. Of the first three “witches” accused, one claimed there were other witches acting alongside her in service of the devil against the Puritans ( Amid these smoldering tensions, the Salem witch trials became fueled by residents suspicions of and resentment toward their neighbors, as well as their fear of outsiders. This fear was unhealthy for society then and now and remains a core reason why we are unable to crawl from under the