In God We Trust: Freedom Religion In Public Schools

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“In God We Trust: Freedom Religion in Public Schools”
This title was chosen to examine and understand the extent in which teachers and students can express their beliefs, and the extent to which schools allow religion to be tolerated. I chose the title “In God We Trust” because it is the official motto of the United States, yet it directly correlate’s with the controversy of separation of church and state. As an American citizen we have the right to freedom of religion, but the constitution is vague in what extent freedom of religion is acceptable.
It’s been over 50 years since the Supreme Court ruled in outlawing school sponsored prayer. When it comes to religion, public schools have to abide to two legal requirements that basically say to “let it be, yet push it away.” These are extremely debated because unlike private schools, public schools are tied to the constitution. The argument being made by some Americans is federal courts, and civil liberties activists are making an effort to exclude God and religious teachings from public schools as violation of our first amendment. According to a national poll done by the Pew Research Center, over 2/3 of Americans favor looser limits on religion in schools, and favor a deeper teaching of creationism and evolution. This project looks to investigate and understand the importance of keeping religion relevant in public schools, and at the same time how public schools should address religion while being aware of the ongoing controversy surrounding it. Initial Hypothesis This study hypothesizes that even though we as Americans may define our beliefs differently according to what we believe, we should strive to keep the idea of religious freedom with upmost importance to which The United States was founded upon. Due to the controversial views on this study, we must address all factions of each argument being made, yet not underestimate the importance of these issues. Literature Review All around the world you find people with different cultures, ideologies, and beliefs. Having a good understanding of this improves global competence skills that all students should develop. A major theme argued by the PEW forum, deals with religious literacy. Studies show that the all of the world’s religious traditions gives students the chance to ponder the “questions” of life that we cannot find in a textbook, or online. Religious practices are the backbone of human culture, and these ideas effect topics from economics, politics and law. If a student lacks knowledge of all the different religions and ideas in the world, how do you expect them to be accepting of different people and cultures in their own life? The world today is more connected globally than ever, and when lacking a framework of these ideas effects the student’s ability to think critically, and keep an open mind. Another theme presented in the texts, refers to the fine line our constitution address regarding religion. In the constitution there is two clauses that address public school and religion. The first clause in the Establishment Clause, which states that “Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion”
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Teachers have a vast amount of control over the young formative years of installing certain ideas and beliefs in children. That being we must have a deep concern over what is being portrayed to children involving religion. We must address the importance in not just understanding of different religions, but the concept of tolerating them, not because you are forced, but because you understand the role religion plays in each person’s life. Religion connects to vast amounts of situations and is deeply rooted in our history. We must not confuse our own ideas, with the illusion that one religion is better than the other. We must view religion as something us in this world all share, no matter the differences. Religion in public schools, is not meant for the educators to cohere certain ideas to students, yet is relevant in school because it’s important for children to have an understanding of the world we live in. We must not continue the days of ignorance regarding religion, we must open our minds to the ideas we as people share, and maybe when that day comes, the fighting, the hatred, and the negativity in world will disappear, and the world might just be at peace for

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