and Mrs. Shelby are debating their thoughts on slavery. Beecher writes on page 85 “I don 't want to hear such sermons; I never wish to hear Mr. B. in our church again. Ministers can 't help the evil, perhaps, -- can 't cure it, any more than we can, -- but defend it! -- It always went against my common sense. And I think you didn 't think much of that sermon, either”. Here Beecher is using the strategy of showing how the church doesn’t even realize the wrong doing of supporting slavery. She even goes further as to make the connection that this regions institution would is not only blind to their cations, but also defending them. These ideas are also supported by Fredrick Douglas. Similar ideas shared by Douglass are reproduced by Allitt, Patrick in the text Frederick Douglass Compares Southern Slave-owners Religion with That of Jesus, 1845. Douglas states on page 179 “The man who wields the blood-clotted cow skin during the week fills the pulpit on Sunday, and claims to be a minister of the meek and lowly Jesus. The man who robs me of my earnings at the end of each week meets me as a class-leader on, Sunday morning, to show me the way of life, and the path of salvation”. This supports Beecher’s writings by showing the blindness of religion using the mistreatment of …show more content…
For example he show how the Safari Club uses the bible to justify their hunts. Scully states on page 91 “That is what the bible says and it’s what the folks at Safari Club think they are doing: the relentless, rewarding, natural, and praiseworthy work of dominion”. In this light Scully is shows how the Safari club uses the bible for to support their claims of doing god will, but he also uses the strategy to support the opposite side of the argument. An example of this is how Scully uses direct bible verses supporting his overall thought on how god has placed living creatures on the earth for us not only to eat, but to treat with dignity. The use of religious text is supported further by the ideas of Isaac Bashevis Singer who supports his ideas of veganism with his though on the interpretations of the Hebrew bible (The Old Testament). Singer states “Sometimes they say He wants sacrifice and the killing of animals. If this is true, then I would never be able to comply. But I think God is wiser and more merciful than that. And there are interpretations of religious scriptures which support this, saying that vegetarianism is a very high ideal. Using this biblical references strongly connects religion to the arguments, and ideas being presents by both authors. This connection is used to support their ideas, and also show