HIPAA was created in 1996 in order for Covered Entities (Health plan, health care clearing houses and health care provider) to protect and secure a person’s private health information (PHI). Its main focus is to eradicate worker discrimination due pre-existing conditions. Nonetheless, HIPAA concentrated on the implementation of a distributed electronic system to improve administrative transactions among covered entities. However, early stages of HIPAA provisions left many gaps opened. As an example: HIPPA did not specify how information should be protected; what methods, rules or standard needed to be enforced.…
HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules benefit and support the integrity of the healthcare industry, patient, and physician by setting a standard on how the healthcare industry protects patient information when the files are stored and transferred electronically. This is the Security Rule. This rule sets technical and non-technical safeguards called “covered entities”. ("Summary of the HIPAA Security Rule | HHS.gov," n.d.) when the office stays within the standards and complies with the regulations then the integrity of maintaining privacy stays intact.…
1. What law is being violated by the employees at this health services organization? Both the privacy and security rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act are being violated. 2.…
In the healthcare field medical malpractice lawsuits are expensive and detrimental to a health care provider’s career. EMRs can play a more active role in potential litigation because the documentation is organized, easy to read, and is more patient detailed than the paper records. The patient providers will be unfamiliar with this new EMR system and require some special training to comply with the HIPAA Privacy Rule. HIPAA is the first comprehensive federal regulation that governs the privacy and confidentiality of patient-specific information. Maintaining those patients’ privacy and confidentiality during EMR implementation is a valid legal concern that needs to be addressed to the committee and hospital.…
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) passed in 1996 to help set a national standard to protect certain patient health information (Gartee, 2011). The major goal of HIPAA is to ensure a patient’s Health Information (PHI) is utilized by the correct individuals at the correct time to perform a certain job. In addition, HIPPA sets the standards by which PHI can be shared with covered entities and family; plus allowing the patient to receive notice on how their PHI will be utilized. In addition, HIPPA is a complete and comprehensive guide to protect the public’s health and well being while striking a balance that permits important uses of PHI to share information (“Summary” n.d.). The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability act includes three categories of security safeguards and how covered entities will communicate PHI.…
Every individual in an independent state or democratic practising state has the right to know and be assured that his/her medical reports/records are not going to be released to just anybody. Numerous examples and situations where HIPAA act of 1996 has been violated shows, exactly, what can happen when people’s personal information gets into the hands of a third party in an unauthorized manner. That is exactly one of the reasons medical institutions demands for official letter of recommendation from students who claims to be taking research or projects on a topic that might require that one or two patients’ medical reports be open to them, this is as a result of the fact that no one would love to walk on the street one day and be ridiculed or laughed at because of ailment that was supposed to remain unknown to anyone except the medical professional who diagnosed such patient and the patient. Also, apart from the traumatic effect that it might cause on the individual or the shame of being shamed by the public, organizations who fail to make a patient’s medical records confidential might suffer being sued and lost of public-trust once the issue becomes…
There are many recommendations to ensure compliance with the health care laws and regulations. Health care professionals should study the HIPAA requirements in order to identify the policies, procedures and processes for compliance. They should be knowledgeable in relative federal and state laws and regulations for patient information privacy. They will develop an understanding on which rules are more important than others how procedures can be combined, if necessary. Links and articles in regards to the laws and regulations are posted on the web, professionals can check with the Health Privacy Project, AllLaw.com and other similar state websites (Hughes, 2002).…
Briana, I agree that continued education about the consequences of HIPAA violations would be very beneficial in helping the hospital prevent future occurrences of it. Staff members need to be made of aware of the HIPAA regulations and hospital policies and what the consequences are for violating them on a continual routine basis. I agree that if this was done it would help the HIPPA regulations be more easily retained and aid in the adherence to them. I also think that routine audit trails would help to ensure less unauthorized access into patients' medical records. It's sad to think that these types of protection and deterrents are needed to ensure medical privacy today, but it is good to know that they have them available and are continuing…
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability laws protect personally identifiable health information such as a person’s social secutrty number, birthday, address, etc. It also protects a person’s current, past, or even future physical and or metal conditions or treatment. In 1996 congress passed the HIPAA law, but did not pass a federal medical privacy statute, so the Department of Health and Human Services was required to develop regulation that specified patients’ rights to health privacy. In 2001 President George W. Bush implemented the Human Services Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act “Privacy Rule” which recognized the “right of consent”.…
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) of 1996 has helped to revolutionize this country’s use of Patient Health Information (PHI) in many ways, but at the same time it has hindered the American health care system in implementing a national Health Information Exchange (HIE). Consequently, without a national HIE the problem of having a system that allows for continuous quality improvement in the quality of health care received by a patient and still protecting the right to privacy still exists. Additionally, the culture of America views the PHI as being needed to be protecting to the point that it hinders providers from giving good quality care, thus leading the patient to receive double the testing wasting the time…
HIPAA Eighteen years ago the healthcare system, had a revolutionary change introducing the Health Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, this law had a significant impact in both the patient and the health care provider. The HIPAA Privacy Rule, finally came effective in 1996, followed by the HIPAA Security Rule in 2003, changing the history in the practice of medicine and health insurance administration. Later, the HIPAA Enforcement Rule and the Breach Notification Rule was followed as well. People were skeptical and wondered whether the new HIPAA would really make a impact, and if any impact would be for the better or the worse.…
According to HHS.gov.,” The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) contains privacy protection provisions that apply to health information created or maintained by health care providers who engage in certain electronic transactions, health plans, and…
During the summer of 1996, the United States Government passed an act that would forever change the healthcare system. This was the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Here we discuss the great impact HIPAA has had on the healthcare industry over the years, emphasizing both positive and negative effects. Every time you walk into the doctor's office, do you stop to think whether or not your health information can be shared with other individuals?…
HIPAA Security and Privacy: Cases and Scenarios Brittany Stewart Herzing University Dr. Gary J. Hanney Abstract HIPAA security and privacy is an important aspect of healthcare delivery. Government influences greatly how legal issues are addressed in healthcare, including non-governmental entities. This essay will explain how the HIPAA privacy rule should be applied appropriately with protected health information.…
Any health care provider, health organizations, or government health plans that use, store, maintain, or transmit patient information must comply with the federal law. HIPAA also protects employees from having their information released by their employer. Along with protecting the privacy of participants the law was also established to cut down on fraudulent activity and improve data systems. Information obtained from your records can not be…