Argumentative Essay: The War Between The States

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You might have heard of “The War Between the States,” a name for the Civil War some Southerners use instead of the more antiquated “War of Northern Aggression”. The fight over whether or not to legalize same-sex marriage is a different kind of war between the states. This fight is between the states and the national government over who should have the authority to decide if same sex marriages are allowed or banned. When our founding fathers decided to make federalism a founding principle of American government, it was a radical notion. No real historical example of this could be found, and our founding fathers liked to cite historical evidence for nearly all of their decisions. Their completely unprecedented idea was wildly successful, as can be seen not only in the continued success of American federalism to this day, but also in the many countries that copied our example. However, there …show more content…
Primarily, I believe marriage is a right and no state should be able to deny it based on a misled idea of Christianity (Jesus never actually spoke about same-sex relations, but that is an essay for another time). Additionally, it seems to me like most people who believe the state governments should decide only say this because they live in a state that would continue to ban same-sex marriage. Where were these avid supporters of a State’s right to choose when the Defense of Marriage Act was instituted in 1996? If the national government were to overturn the Supreme Court ruling and ban same-sex marriage across the country, most of the same people who are arguing for a state’s right to choose would change their mind in an instant. I feel that the people who think the states should have authority over same-sex marriage and the people who disapprove of same-sex marriage are a lot of the same

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