Argumentative Essay: The Immorality Of Abortion

Superior Essays
Another topic that has been used against pro-choice supporters and abortionists is the topic of abortion being “immoral”. Pro-life supporters talk about the immorality of abortion by saying that it is the murder of babies. On the contrary, abortion is not even remotely close to murder. Murder, by definition, is the act of one human taking away the life of another human. The pregnancy is not a human yet and therefore, cannot be referred to as a human (even abortion doctors refer to the embryo as the pregnancy) which means that abortion is not equal to murder. Also, there is usually a cut off point for getting an abortion which is usually around the twenty-four week mark. A woman is prohibited from getting an abortion after this time because …show more content…
Pro-life supporters make statements about abortion that are not completely true and that do not focus on the woman getting the abortions. Focusing on adoption, cost, or even the doctor’s perspective as a way to try to deny a woman her constitutional rights is wrong. Even when the argument seems like it could possibly be trying to help those thinking about getting abortions, like an argument on the “horrible” side-effects, are truly meant to undermine those seeking abortion. Now that you have been educated on why abortion should be legalized and why pro-choice is the better viewpoint, you should do something with it. With all of this new knowledge you should find a way to stand up for the women that are being insulted and made out to be monsters by anti-abortionists. For example, you could write to your local Planned Parenthood clinic, or another abortion clinic, to see what you could do to help. It could be as simple as making a donation, volunteering, or even finding ways to become more vocal on the injustices that those seeking abortions face. Whatever you choose to do it is vital that your new knowledge is used for good and to better our everyday

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