As a solution to gun control, I think the general public should come together to pressure the Congress into making a law that prevents people from accessing guns easily. When someone wants to purchase a gun, the U.S. should make it mandatory for the owner of a gun shop to thoroughly check an individual's background before selling a gun to them. When the Second Amendment was passed, the Congress knew that there would be negative effects of selling guns to the public, yet, the Congress doesn’t try to prevent gun owners from selling guns to the public. Incidents like the Sandy Hooks Elementary School shooting, the 2012 Aurora shooting, should have provoked the Congress into passing a law for gun control. I want to mention that, the U.S. worries more about Immigration than gun control. The U.S. is in a hurry to assure the general public is protected from Immigrants with criminal convictions, but doesn’t assure that our own citizens, like Mateen, aren't committing acts of terrorism towards other citizens. I believe there wasn’t any security guards patrolling the nightclub. I always thought every nightclub would have security guards patrolling a club to prevent any situations from happening. If the Pulse nightclub was being patrolled by security guards, the shooting could have been prevented because they would have sensed that Mateen was up to something based off of his appearance and
As a solution to gun control, I think the general public should come together to pressure the Congress into making a law that prevents people from accessing guns easily. When someone wants to purchase a gun, the U.S. should make it mandatory for the owner of a gun shop to thoroughly check an individual's background before selling a gun to them. When the Second Amendment was passed, the Congress knew that there would be negative effects of selling guns to the public, yet, the Congress doesn’t try to prevent gun owners from selling guns to the public. Incidents like the Sandy Hooks Elementary School shooting, the 2012 Aurora shooting, should have provoked the Congress into passing a law for gun control. I want to mention that, the U.S. worries more about Immigration than gun control. The U.S. is in a hurry to assure the general public is protected from Immigrants with criminal convictions, but doesn’t assure that our own citizens, like Mateen, aren't committing acts of terrorism towards other citizens. I believe there wasn’t any security guards patrolling the nightclub. I always thought every nightclub would have security guards patrolling a club to prevent any situations from happening. If the Pulse nightclub was being patrolled by security guards, the shooting could have been prevented because they would have sensed that Mateen was up to something based off of his appearance and