Take a look and the bar that says “teens who do not tell their parents” , it shows not the majority of the people do not tell their own parents about things like this. It also goes back to my argument before about victims should come to someone and tell them what is going on we can also conclude that this is unacceptable for victims to not tell someone. The second highest is those being cyberbullied which also has a percentage of 32.1%. It means that half of the people have been bullied through social media. One of the lowest percentage or maybe not that low but still does not make it acceptable for those being repeatedly without saying anything with the percentage of 15.43%. Finally the second highest comes to a total of 20.37% of those experienced online threats. Most of these victims feel as if they have nothing to live for that the bullies will keep coming for them. And also shows the percent of people being bullied by gender males have a lower percentage than …show more content…
Hannah Smith was a 14-year-old from Lutterworth, Leicestershire, England. Hannah was like any other teen she lived her life to the fullest but one day it changed everything. She was being cyberbullied. People kept sending her mean text messages as well as abusive text messages. Hannah took her life at the age of 13 on August 3rd, 2013. She hung herself in her bedroom and left a note saying “As I sit here day by day I wonder if it’s going to get better. I want to die, I want to be free. I can’t live like this any more. I’m not happy” (puresight) . How can someone so young take their own life at the age of thirteen. Hannah will not be able to able to graduate high school and not only that but going to college and experiencing the college life and to major in what she wanted to. Not being able to live a happy life due to the fact it only took one person to make her feel as if she was nothing. That one text changed her life completely and caused her to hang herself.
Now out of all the information provided can we agree that cyber bullying is a big issue in today’s society. And it only takes one person to change someone’s life and that people should stand up to others and say “hey this is not okay “. There should be those who can stand up to anyone and defend those with no violence whatsoever. At any given chance there should be some change. Change is good right? Change should be good