Annotated Exercise Analysis

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At the beginning of class we started off with an three shorts exercise that test how fast we could answers questions or reply to certain situations. As with the previous classes that were started with a exercise, this one was different. Some of the questions that were asked were how long you were married, and what school did you go to. Next, for the following exercise we were required to think of a letter and name a word that was associated with it. The letter that I had to associate a name with was z, so I said zebra. Lastly, the third exercise required a student to make statement that is negative that then another student would have to diffuse it. One student stated, all you care about is the money. As a way to diffuse the situation our professor explained that we should say what you mean by that and why do you feel that way. Ultimately, the mediator can come back with a question to clarify why the party believes what they said. When the other students in class made negative statements the main reply was to ask the parties to please refrain from rude language. After we finished our last warm up exercise, we begin talking about the different types of hats and their associated colors. Each person wears a different hat and that hat is somewhat descriptive of that person. …show more content…
The first hat is blue which represents process oriented person. Next, the white hat represents person is who likes to focus on issues. The red hat is based on someone who relies on feelings. The gray hat is for a person who is collaborative. The yellow hat looks at the benefits of the situations. Lastly, the black hat is the cautious one that looks at the impacts of a given scenario. Overall, when you are in a meeting people you feel find that they stick with one hat. In order to have people not stay on one hat you need to be willing to collaborate and work with them. After we finished our exercise we then began working on our role plays. My mediation centered on a trucker who was wrongly fired because he had a slight amount of marijuana in his system. As the trucker I had to tell the mediators that I did not smoke any sort of marijuana. The reason that my test came back positive was due to the fact the people in the next apartment smoked a lot and therefore gave me a contact high. The director who originally administered the test was very reasonable with his propositions. I was told that I should remove the marijuana leaf belt buckle and I should also cut my hair. I agreed that these proposals were reasonable since the un-kept long hair and marijuana belt buckle did not help my particular case. The director also agreed to allow me to move myself away from the apartment where the marijuana was coming from. Since I did not want to be near to smoke I thought that moving apartment, or contacting the property manager were the best solutions to fixing the problem. Once we came to an agreement the mediators made sure to have that particular agreement in writing. Aside from my part in the mediation, I thought that the two mediators performed very well and covered all the necessary requirements for an opening statement. Overall, this mediation was enjoyable for me because I felt

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