Professor LeVasseur
FYSE 134
14 October 2017
Animals Erased by Arran Stibbe
Stibbe is arguing that animals are vanishing, disappearing, dying out, not only from being extinct, but from our conscious. When animals are erased, the only thing we have left from them are signs: pictures, words, specimens, toys, and beeps on the radio receiver. The signs that connects with animals, they can take on a life on their own in a simulated world called “simulacra.” For example, the happy speaking cows you see advertised products from their own bodies can be a thought of a erasing the real animals. It first started by exploring the destructive discourses within the general discourse. It is a way of talking about the animals that are usually used in a wide range of contexts and problems in everyday life. Most of the work …show more content…
Animals are socially constructed by the influences of how they are treated by the human society. Animals play many roles in the human society, including the roles of entertainer, food item, commodity, and companion. Some animals are also tend to describe negative situations, or contain images of cruelty. For example, dogs are used like: “sick as a dog,” “dying like a dog,” “dog’s dinner,” “it’s a dog’s life,” “working like a dog,” and “going to the dogs (Stibbe 23). And larger animals: “the straw that broke the camel’s back,” “talking the hind legs off a donkey,” and “flogging a dead horse (Stibbe 24). It is clear that the closer the relation of dominance of a certain species by humans, the more negativity the stereotypes contained in the idioms of general discourse. Hidden assumptions that makes the suffering of animals appear unrelevant can be found in linguistic devices used in the discourse of the meat industries. Fiddes describes the way the meat industry is using the raw materials is as little more than a commercial oncost (Stibbe 28). The author