Jo Smith Chickens Range Free Analysis

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Sparked by a recent activist “action” against animal cruelty, Freelance writer Jo smith agrees with the direct actions that led to the liberation of hundreds of chickens from cages within his opinionated editorial “chickens range free”. Published in June, 2009, Smith, who among being a journalist, is a member of the “Australians for Animals Rights” committee, which dictates as the foundation of his main arguments and personal contentions. His overall view encrypted within his emotive, yet formal persuasive piece is that animals, although unable to communicate it, do endure the cruelty enforced by “poor farmers”, hip-pocket- conscious Australians and the general selfish nature of the human race. Smith targets not only other animal activists, but the broad population of Australian`s who are oblivious to the treatment of the most “abused animals on the face of the Earth”. …show more content…
Viewers are promptly concealed to the key aspects of the recent events; why they are occurring, and by whom they were initiated by, within his first sentence. Smith`s choice of clear and concise information opens the door for readers to receive a clear and to the point introduction to the contents entailed within his piece. His personal reference to his position in the Australian for Animal rights party quickly resinates with readers both his personal view and his active participation within the protection and his position as an advocate for oppressed animals. His overall pleading tone instigates the need for more Australian`s to be the “someone” that’s stands up for the rights of

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