While the sport is fun to spectate many people are unaware of the hidden dangers of this American past time. OJ Simpson was a running back when he played football back in his golden days. Running backs according to “By the numbers NFL head injuries” receive an average of “8 head injuries a year”. (“By the Numbers 1) This can be dangerous for players because the sport rarely stops and is just a constant war zone for these injuries. The amount of time “after a blow to the head that a concussion can cause disorientation, short term memory loss, nausea and loss of consciousness [Is only] 30 minutes.”…
Another way to advance the safety of football is to make it mandatory for annual or even monthly brain scans for possible concussions or brain damage than fly under the radar. Every young adult from grades seventh to twelfth should be looked at more during gym classes, nurses in each school must examine kids for back issues when they should be doing brain function testing on kids, especially athletes. Imaginably athletes pro or not can use the information on CTE to make the decision whether they want to continue pushing their brains to its breaking point or to stop and realize it’s not worth it for a sport. Every sport has its don fall but there are many non-contact sports that won’t ruin your chances on living a full happy…
It is a silent killer and symptoms may never show up in somebody that has one, so they keep on playing and worsening their condition. Many people have debated to get rid of football because of the dangers of a concussion. Scientists and officials are now racing the clock to make the game and equipment safer, before it is too late. Concussions are dangerous and a big problem for football because they can lead to diseases later on in life. Smart helmets can solve the problem by…
Imagine getting knocked out, and losing consciousness. Minutes later you get back up and are told to get right back on the field to play again. The National Football league has been plagued for years by concussion controversy. In the NFL (National Football League) there are way too many concussions.…
To many people, football is considered the most dangerous sport. The violent tackling nature means the possibility of broken bones or torn tendons with every play, and these injuries have always been understood as part of participating in the sport. A newer, less understood injury, however, is the concussion. 47 percent of all concussions in sports occur in football. For this reason, some parents are not allowing their children to play football because of the risk of head injuries.…
People love the sport of football and millions of fans come out each year to watch a football game. But during these games people don't look at it as the sport of dangerous concussions. They look at it for the entertainment and it gets the fans adrenaline pumping. The NFL is finding new ways to make the sport safer and creating less injuries by reducing full contact practices and eliminating as many kickoffs.…
Critics often argue that football is becoming more safe because of increased regulations that more firmly police players. However, that reasoning is absolutely not correct… Because there are continuous illegal and cheap hits. One study conducted by Sporting Goods Manufacturer's association found that there was an 11% decrease in football’s “core”, “Most parents get scared of what their kid will be once they get a concussion” (Maese p 1). Often that reason is correct, several blows to the head can cause many problems in your brain. The NFL have been changing the environment of the game to firmly police the game, They put rules on the game so you can’t hit high and dirty.…
Americans today tend to believe that the NFL is a great sport to participate in and has no flaws. But the NFL is a dangerous sport where the players often suffer from concussions. According to the Medical News Today, over 4,000 former football players filed lawsuits alleging that the National Football League failed to protect them from the long-term health consequences of concussions. Also just in 2013, 228 NFL players have been diagnosed with concussions that season, according to the league’s annual Health & Safety Report. These concussions that the athletes suffer from can result in the players developing CTE.…
Another study was conducted and it showed the amount of former players who had some sort of disease from concussions. Out of 92 football players, 88 of them had signs of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. (CTE). (“Hard Knocks:Football Is One Of America 's Most Iconic Sports”). The game is becoming too dangerous and something…
Some peoples view on dangerous things are different than others. Football can sometimes be more dangerous than other sports, but you have to deal with it, if it is something you love to do. Every sport has its downfall. But as they stated in the essay, “four out of every 1,000 high school football exposures, resulted in an injury.”…
A game that is and has been loved by millions for decades, but simply put, it is not a safe game for your children to play. Based on research it seems that it is going to be a long wait until it is truly safe to play. Not every sport is safe and there are always opportunities for hits to the head, with that said there are only football a head on collision is certainly going to take place during the span of a 60 minute game. Even with new equipment, but we do not know if it will ever be possible for a helmet to stop the brain from shifting when a player gets hit, and it seems that the more we learn about concussions the less we know. Even though we know what causes a concussion there isn’t a way to properly determine how many concussions are too many.…
The Withdraws of Football The benefits that come from playing a sport like are astounding. The extra muscles, the increase in stamina and strength as well as the development of leadership and sportsmanship skills is enough to make any sports fan enjoy the physical activities. Yet with the rise in attention regarding the potential life threatening injuries most football players sustain from the play the field, it brings up the questions many sports fans, and concerned football moms, often ask themselves: is football too dangerous of a sport. With the evidence shown supporting the allegations of football being hazardous, it’s obvious that football is too dangerous to play.…
Howard 1 Ethan Howard Mrs. Williams ELA 2nd Hour 1/17/16 Should Parents Let Their Children Play Tackle Football? One of America’s most famous sports is football. Football is a popular sport for people to play and watch.…
Football just happens to be one of them. People always talk about how dangerous football is, but so is any other sport. According to the Head Case Company, there is a 50% or higher chance of getting a concussion in ice hockey, soccer, lacrosse, wrestling, and of course football. Therefore, to prevent concussions, we would have to ban almost all sports, which would not be fair.…
In 2007, more than 920,000 athletes under the age of 18 were treated in emergency rooms or doctor’s offices. If that doesn’t say something about the dangers of football. I’m not sure what will. II. Relating the topic to the audience: I bet most of you, if not all of you have watched or played football.…