Alex Nichols introduces the topic of his article by referring to an act that appeared on America’s Got Talent back in 2012; a hip-hop group …show more content…
Hamilton was praised for its diverse cast of actors and actresses, showcasing a modern-day America. Slavery was lightly touched on but not to invoke emotional support for the main characters. The musical’s focus was about Hamilton’s life story. It highlighted some key, important events in the amount of time acquired. The first half of the play was about the Revolutionary War and Hamilton’s ambitions while the second half showed how his ambitions were eventually his downfall. Hamilton was an immigrant and his casting is accurate as his past is often alluded to in the musical.
A lot of the characters had flaws that made them not the lovable characters that is being portrayed by Alex Nichols’. Jefferson, whom was cast as an African American, had moments that made certainly got under the audiences’ skin. George Washington is not the perfect general and even admits it. If anything, high school text books often overlook the fact that American presidents and leaders had slaves and partook in many controversial activities. Many high school students are unaware of Jefferson’s ownership of slaves and Sally due to the history books being marked with a white