Talia Joy Castellano Talia Joy Castellano was a cancer patient internet celebrity and a Cover girl famous for her YouTube channel “taliajoy18” where she manly posted vlogs, makeup tutorials and fashion videos. Was born August 18, 1999 in Orlando, Florida. Since her parents were split, she would live with her mother Desiree Castellano around central Florida, and then with her dad Marc Winthrop in New York city with her siblings Jackson, Kaitlyn Winthrop and Mattia Castellano. When she was just seven years old, she started to experience severe abdominal pains and overall felt extremely sick.…
In conclusion, Tia Torres stands as a hero because she saves dogs, gives parolees second chances , and she has her own tv show. She is a incredible women that deserves to be regarded as a hero. It is great that is such a hard worker and is so passionate about her…
My Modern Hero “ My mission is to rescue. My hope is that one day I won't have to” I have chosen Tia Torres as my modern hero because of her determination and willingness to save those who need saving and help the misguided get back on track. Tia Torres famous not only because of her show Pitbulls and Parolees, or her rescue Villalobos but because of her love for misguided animals and people. Tia Torres came from a broken beginning, she lived with her stepmother who she always called mom and didn't have a father figure. Even in those times she still had the heart and strength to take in stray animals,whether it was a horse or a goat.…
A hero defined by webster dictionary is a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities(“hero”). This can be achieved by anyone, no matter their social status, past failures, physical build or level of intelligence. On 9/11 many people died. The death toll could have been much higher if it wasn’t for some heros. These heroes were normal everyday people who stepped up when things got tough and saved the lives of others.…
A hero is a person that displays incredible virtues during times of strife. This can be observed in all classical works of literature, wherein the hero’s opposition is usually a monster or enemy that he must either overpower or outsmart by using his courage, strength and wit. Additionally, classical heroes are often fated/chosen by the gods, showing a clear divide between a hero and a normal person. While the definition of hero has not changed, the virtues required to be a hero have. Modern day heroes are individuals capable of fighting to help others no matter the circumstances, some even forgo their own safety in order to aid those in need.…
Heroes shape the world around us; people don’t become heroes randomly out of the blue one day, they are born and have to work at it every day. The key to becoming a hero is what you do when nobody's watching. It’s the subtle things that mean the most, whether that means comforting an elderly person who will never remember you, or even helping an exhausted mother in labor who never knew you were there. Many people aspire to be heroes, but never quite get there because they lack in drive and willpower. Nola Nadermann shows drive and willpower everyday of her life.…
In a universe filled with memories, cries, love, hate, and many more, it is also filled with many different types of people that wander throughout the world today. However, there are other different types of people today but are known for being the same thing, and those people are called heroes . A vast majority of people see a hero as someone who saves people’s lives by destroying the evil villain, but that is not necessarily the case. Many people throughout the world have made history in a way no one else really could. Those people have changed the lives of many people in society by influencing them to make their lives better or by knowing what choices are the right ones to make.…
“Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary” (Way). When the word heroism first comes to mind, superheroes always imagined, with strong, muscular, idolized for their inhuman rescues. However, heroes can be anyone, regular people. Heroes are ones who keep going, inspire and are kind to others, ones who do not rescue daily as a job, but instead do for equality, kindness, impact, and respect. Since heroes are ordinary, determined, and are not expected to be at the scene, they are the unstereotypical definition of a hero.…
There are many heroes in the world today, I believe that I would fit into this category. From assisting people in need to changing lives and providing life assisting skills. When someone asked me to help out in the local homeless shelter, I was more than willing to help. Seeing the smile on those people’s faces I was helping feed was payment enough. Many of the homeless would ask why am I doing this, “because I care about you” I stated.…
My Hero Who says heroes have to be special or different? They just have to be willing to take the first step and the next. It isn’t always easy to put others before yourself. It can be even more difficult to manage both a business and a family.…
A hero is an ordinary individual who has the fortitude to be superior even when faced with challenging obstacles. Heroes show selflessness, and honesty with everything that they execute in life. However, one may say that a hero puts others before themselves in all responsibilities in life. Additionally, dedication is a quality that heroes need to reach the highest potential. My boyfriend Tyler Nameth possess all of these qualities and countless more.…
But heroes are people that have risked something to help other people out making it a situation to remember.”Its…
What is a hero? “A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles,” quoted by Christopher Reeve. My hero is… everyone. No one person has been my hero, because I believe everyone is my hero. Everyone has saved me from something or helped me in some way.…
“A hero or heroine is a person or character who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, displays courage or self-sacrifice. “ When most people think of the word hero, one might think of a person with power helping those who are in trouble, but heroism can be anybody. A hero can be a teacher, a mother or father, or even a person such as myself. Heroes are everywhere you look, you never know what influence you may have on someone. Somethings that can be simple to one can make a huge difference in someone else’s life such as a simple hello.…
Shannon L. Alder once said, “Heroes are not made. They are born out of circumstances and rise to the occasion when their spirit can no longer coexist with the hypocrisy injustice to others.” However not everyone can be a hero. Heroes need the courage and strength to persevere through difficult situations. Heroes are selfless and may not always be brawny figures, but average audacious individuals.…