In order to support more than 500,000 critical care nurses, AACN has a complex organizational structure. AACN is led by the Board of Directors, which consists of a President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors and Immediate Past President. This board oversees all of AACN’s activities. As previously mentioned, AACN is dedicated to providing continuing education and certifications to its critical care nurses. In doing so, a separate AACN Certification Corporation Board of Directors was established which consists of chair, chair-elect, secretary, treasurer, directors, immediate past chair and CEO. In addition to the National AACN, each state has a state level AACN. The state chapters are Germany (AACN, 2015). Active membership dues are $78 annually. Some local chapters have an additional membership fee. Currently, the Albemarle Area Chapter AACN in Northeastern North Carolina does not have an additional local fee. However, this local chapter is in a state of limbo as their leadership is transitioning, so they are not actively meeting at this point.
“When nurses participate in the activities of nursing organizations, they enhance their own professional growth and help all nurses collectively as they influence policies affecting nursing, nursing …show more content…
Nurses know their patients’ and families’ needs and can make crucial contributions when decision making is at stake for quality health care. “Political involvement and cohesive action are necessary activities; nurses have a professional mandate to contribute to health policy” (Wolf & Robinson, 2013, p. 21). AACN is actively involved in contributing to the health policy with their advocacy initiatives: “healthy work environment, palliative and end-of-life care, and staffing and workforce development” (AACN, 2015). On their website, members and non-members can easily access the AACN Legislative Action Center to read about AACN’s political priorities and position statement. Members can also sign up for Action E-list which will alert members to key issues in which nurses can make a difference (AACN,