Ruby Fowler
Eng102 – 1049
14th Sep., 2014
Animals Consumption Although there are a vast amount of food choices that people can choose to eat, meat consumption can be considered a moral issue. The way people perceive animals has a big impact on people’s decision on meat consumption. Some might choose to eat it; some might not. The following four articles, “The Psychology of Eating Animals,” “The Animal Liberation Movement,” “An Animal’s Place” and “We’re All Michael Vick,” explore the ethical issue behind meat consumption and how animals are being mistreated. To me, it is unfair for animals to be treated with cruelty as they deserve to have their freedom, deserving to have a better life. There are vast amounts of animals suffering …show more content…
According to Michael Pollan’s article, “An Animal’s Place”, the hens and pigs are being raised in an unhealthy and tiny environment just for the profits leading the animals to suffer greatly. The farmers create opportunities for the animals to hurt each other to the point that the animals can’t endure the pain anymore and even lead them to die (6). This shows how animals live a tough life without proper care and without being loved by humans. Animals are also used as tools for research experiments. Two examples of research studies that are described by Peter Singer through his article, “The Animal Liberation Movement”, show how rabbits become blind through symptoms such as swollen lids, inflamed iris, ulcerated cornea” after the Draize Test for cosmetic companies, and he also mentions how half of the sample of animals such as rats, mice, or dogs are poisoned to death in order to test for the Lethal Dose 50 test for a certain substance (Singer 7). Animals are being treated with cruelty even in the research study with their body being harmed and even leading to their death. Although studies like these might benefit us, it doesn’t mean people can torture the animals anyway they want in the laboratory. That is just simply …show more content…
The animals are innocent; if they’re not going to harm us, then why should we harm them? Perhaps God has created them to provide us with tasteful diet, but they also have feelings and they also have a family of their own that they want to take care of just like us humans. The animals are certainly more worth than they are being treated. It’s our responsibility to treat animals better because animals are incapable of defending themselves. Therefore, people should consider reducing the amount of meat they usually consume. People can also try to inform others about animals’ suffering in order to further reduce the number of meat consumers.
Through the examination of these articles, my perspective has changed. Even though I love meat, I will now try to reduce my meat intake slowly until one day I am capable of being a vegetarian without struggling. As long as I believe in myself, I can do it, and so can you.
Work Cited
Francione, Gary L. "We're All Michael Vick." Editorial. Philly 14 Aug. 2009.
Web. 12 Sept. 2014.
Loughnan, Steve, Brock Bastian, and Nick Haslam. "The Psychology of Eating Animals."
Current Directions in Psychological Science 23.2 (2014): 104-08. Web. 10 Sept.