American Imperialism In Cuba In The 1890's

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Imperialism is the economic, and military influence into foreign territories to expand and protect American trade. The United States was trying to create an empire by emerging an imperialistic power in Cuba and the Philippines. The United States, actions was inspired by affairs of unselfish concerns and was justified as extreme devotion to a belief and supported by racist ideals. There’s more of an importance force behind nationalism and commercialism but humanitarianism and racism have an equal weight in motives when dealing with the United States actions in Cuba and the Philippines in the 1890s. The United States country was trying to spread itself all over the world as a dominant race. “Congress was not unanimous because many members in congress feared the United States might want to be improperly perceived by the international communities ganging up on a weaker nation to gain territory (McKeown).” The United States believed they were helping the underprivileged countries for the better, but they really did this so their economic competitors could not compete and further their United States Imperialism. It appears that the United States wanted to spread the Anglo-Saxon culture to …show more content…
Lodge says “We should have among those islands at least one strong naval station, and when the Nicaragua canal is built, the island of Cuba, still sparsely settled and of almost unbounded fertility, will become to us a necessity, (Lodge).” The United States needed Cuba and the Philippines, there was an emphasis on profit and success in this. With the success that they had comes money and power. The pride that was obtained from a patriotic feeling at this time was to expand their power and influence ones country. The United States increased its revenue and is leading the world power because, they expanded their role in commerce on the international level. They did this by pursuing

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