It served as a tool to be able to train managers on different leadership styles. “They began with the assumption that leaders will be most effective when they exhibit both concern for people and concern for production, thus combining the interest of classical management (concern for people) and human relations (concern for production)” (Miller, 48-49). The grid consists of five different type of leadership skills that managers have the potential of becoming. The first being impoverished management which means that there is both a low concern for people or production. Secondly is country club management where there is a high concern for people but a low concern for production. Thirdly is authority-compliance which is a high concern for production and a low concern for people. Then there is the team management style which has a high concern for both people and production. Lastly is the middle-of-the-road management a manager who attempts to balance concern for people and production without wavering more to one
It served as a tool to be able to train managers on different leadership styles. “They began with the assumption that leaders will be most effective when they exhibit both concern for people and concern for production, thus combining the interest of classical management (concern for people) and human relations (concern for production)” (Miller, 48-49). The grid consists of five different type of leadership skills that managers have the potential of becoming. The first being impoverished management which means that there is both a low concern for people or production. Secondly is country club management where there is a high concern for people but a low concern for production. Thirdly is authority-compliance which is a high concern for production and a low concern for people. Then there is the team management style which has a high concern for both people and production. Lastly is the middle-of-the-road management a manager who attempts to balance concern for people and production without wavering more to one