American Dream Home Ownership Analysis

Decent Essays
The American Dream has taken on new interpretations for each generation. Each interpretation is directly related to the economy at that particular time. When you ask is home ownership still a part of the American Dream I would have to say the term “ownership” is what has changed. My grandparents owned two homes in their lifetime in which they raised their family. The first was a starter home, then once they had established their careers they built their dream home. The neighborhoods remained very stable and the need to move never entered the picture. My parents followed suit and built a dream home on several acres of land but somewhere down the road they realized that their children (me being one) would not want to take on the ownership and maintenance of the …show more content…
From that point on we have been renters. It gives my parents a sense of freedom to be able to say we can move if things change for us. We have rented the same home for over 6 years. I call it home much more than the one they had built. This leads me to the point of this essay. Even though we are renters, my parents treats this home as it they own it. We have renovated the kitchen and painted bedrooms. The landlords call us the best renters in the world. We continue to work on the landscape in the yard improving it because it makes the house look good. So this is why I say the definition of “ownership” has changed. We “own” this home even though we only rent it. I think the renting aspect protects us from losing the equity if the neighborhood dynamics change. In today’s world this type of change tends to happen more frequently than it did in years past. When it comes time for me to fulfill my American Dream I will consider the current economy and come up with my own definition of home ownership. By that time a whole new product might be available that has never been done before helping create that definition for myself. I hope this make sense. It is my view I have developed

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