Daniel Boone Research Paper

Improved Essays
American Dream
Is the American dream still alive and do people still achieve it successfully? Do people all dream about it? The American dream is the belief that anyone even if they were born in a high-class family or poor family, can achieve their own success in a society that it is possible for everyone. Although there are specific values that help people achieve the American Dream such as; individual freedom, work hard, and competition, people succeed if they are self-reliant and have equality of opportunity, not just by chance or because of sheer luck. The promise of the American Dream requires that we are all provided an equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to our nation.1
In 1775, Daniel Boone is the best-known hero of that era. He achieved his American Dream by led the settlers across the Mississippi River into the land that populated by native Americans. He discovered three states and opened the border to new settlements. Boone is a hero for people who were impressed with his ability to master the hardest challenges of the wilderness and his successful escape from the native Americans.
In 1804, Lewis and Clark are famous explorers in U.S. history. They faced a lot of dangerous
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To many people, the American dream is realizable for the idea to have the better life through hard work. It is not just to get rich or having a house, but the dream to have a perfect social life which in everyone is able to succeed and achieve whatever they need.3 Also, it is help people can aim for a life of individualism and personality. Working hard is the thing that everyone can agree with to have an American dream and the ethic of hard work is a very important part of it. Even if a person is trying to start from the beginning to reach the middle class or from the middle class to high class, or try to climb from the lower layer to the higher layer of

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