The American Dream In The Great Gatsby And Their Eyes Were Watching God

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The American Dream is a broad supposition in which it varies amongst many particular individuals. Many people conceptualize it as being successful and wealthy, meanwhile others hypothesize it to be content and stable. Most of the times, the cases of which the American dream is portrayed usually is dependant on the race, ethnicity, and age of that certain individual. Some latino US citizens would say that their American dream is to buy a house and be contently stable in a state of alacrity, meanwhile some white US citizens would say it to be prosperous and well-living. It varies on whoever the specific individual is. Between the two stories, “The Great Gatsby” and “Their Eyes Were Watching God”,, in which many would say “capture” the concept …show more content…
She journeys between three marriages, one of which is with a stodgy old potato farmer named Logan Killicks. Though he treated her correctly and formed a hard-working relationship with her, the marriage was dull and didn’t have any passion. Her next marriage was with a more favorable man, who swooped Janie off of her feet, his name was Jodie Starks. He was a lovable man with a way to woo women. His only ambition with Janie was to show her off to everyone else as a trophy wife. He did not ever love her for who she is, rather than that he loved her for the status it brought upon himself. After Jody’s untimely death caused by liver-failure, Janie shows no regret, she actually feels free. Later on, she meets a charming young man named Vergible Woods, but he is mainly referred as “Tea Cake”. Tea Cake was in fact like both Logan Killicks and Jody Starks. He is as hard-working and wants Janie to work alongside him as Logan did, but he also complimented and complimented her like Jody did. He is both of them at once, except he didn’t lack passion nor respect. In a way, Janie did finally reach her American Dream because her dream was to search in conquest of a relationship pertaining to the natural …show more content…
Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby is also searching in conquest of his American Dream. His American Dream is very much similar to Janie’s American Dream, but in a way, very different. Gatsby didn’t want to go searching for love the way that Janie did amongst many people, Gatsby had his eyes set on a “special” someone. In the novel, it explains that Gatsby throws ostentatious parties, hoping that Daisy, his “special” someone, would happen to walk in there one night. She never does. Gatsby knew Daisy years before his insane wealth. He was serving in the military and attended a party that had a lot of military officers around. Daisy is known as the popular girl amongst the officers which, in many discussions, is why Gatsby ever really wanted her. He wanted the status of having the girl that every man has his eyes on. At that party, he sees Daisy and Daisy sees him. They locked eyes, and Daisy heads upstairs as Gatsby follows. As they meet up on a balcony, Gatsby thought to himself “if I kiss this girl, I will be accepting to love this girl for the rest of my life.” They soon fall in love. Later on, Gatsby has to go into war and serve for his country. He becomes missing, and people then knew him now as M.I.A. Daisy lost hope and ended up dating a malicious and cheating slob named Tom, who was wealthy doming from old money. As six years pass, he comes across this man named Nick Carraway, who is Daisy’s cousin, who just so happens to live right next

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