In Our Town by Thornton Wilder, the tale of Emily Webb and George Gibbs in the ordinary town of Grover’s Corners, the American Dream is outlined as one of love and acceptance. “Wilder 's version of the American dream, as well as a parable about how to attain it, lives in Our Town… In Wilder 's interpretation, the American dream represents that need for acceptance; in achieving the American dream, one is appreciated, valued, and respected, even loved” (“Our Town” Literary Themes for Students: The American Dream 428). Through this new definition of the American Dream, ordinary people in an ordinary town under ordinary circumstances are able to achieve this national aspiration, whereas with the typical definition that stresses monetary wealth there were many more disappointments. Wilder’s innovative American Dream is more relatable because of the likelihood of its achievement and its integration into the ordinary
In Our Town by Thornton Wilder, the tale of Emily Webb and George Gibbs in the ordinary town of Grover’s Corners, the American Dream is outlined as one of love and acceptance. “Wilder 's version of the American dream, as well as a parable about how to attain it, lives in Our Town… In Wilder 's interpretation, the American dream represents that need for acceptance; in achieving the American dream, one is appreciated, valued, and respected, even loved” (“Our Town” Literary Themes for Students: The American Dream 428). Through this new definition of the American Dream, ordinary people in an ordinary town under ordinary circumstances are able to achieve this national aspiration, whereas with the typical definition that stresses monetary wealth there were many more disappointments. Wilder’s innovative American Dream is more relatable because of the likelihood of its achievement and its integration into the ordinary