Am I Too American To Be African Analysis

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Between the early 1900’s up until present day, African immigrants ventured into the U.S. as refugees, students, merchants and so many other categories. Africans were filled with optimism, and maintained hope for an opportunity, that often weren’t afforded to them within their native countries. Several Africans were here to take advantage of American capitalistic culture, and achieve financial success through knowledge of trade and networking. However, even with capitalistic gain, or being afforded advantages that their native countries lacked, they were still subjected to several structural policies implemented within the U.S. However, it is because of their own personal heritage, that they are capable of navigate within the racial and intraracial structure, that exist with the United States.
The distinct heritage that Africans have, have made the circumstances of the racial structure within America easier to navigate through. In Money Has No Smell by Paul Stoller, interviewee Issifi Mayaki, who is an immigrant merchant from Nigeria, who is now living in New York. Issifi address the term “Jaguar”, when talking with Stoller. Issifi describes a Jaguar as a man who venture outside of the town, blending and adapting into various Ghanaian markets. The Jaguar would then participate within the existing trade system that exist, and return home with profits to support his family. The same concept exists here within the United States for African Immigrants. Stoller suggests it is a cultural understanding of many of the African Immigrants, that their resident here in America is not permanent. They see themselves as tethering between their homeland and the U.S. Even if the African immigrant group is subjected to racism, they can overlook it because they have one very clear objectives, which is making money to support family back in Africa. Life in New York for people like Issifi, is often filled with apprehension. Issifi states, “…filled with uncertainties. If I fall sick, will I be able to get help? Will immigration detain and deport me? Will I make enough money to send to my family in Niger and Cote d’Ivoire? Will I make enough to pay my bills? So far, God has blessed me. The only certainty is that I have always been a trader and will always be a trader. That will see me through every crossroads that I come upon.” In other cases, African immigrants venture to the U.S. to participate within society. Buying into the American dream, but still wanting distinction. However, that proved to be somewhat difficult for African immigrants. Upon entry into America, African immigrants were, and could be viewed, groups, and persecuted like that of African Americans, due to physical resembles. Several Africans could distinguish themselves, by retaining customs and their native tongue and dialect. However other were quick to relinquish African customs and take on the American lifestyle and culture, to establish themselves. It became a belief that reforming oneself would lead to job opportunities and social respectability. In some cases, many African immigrant ended up assimilating within the American culture.
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As in the film, Am I Too African to be American or Too American to be African by Naida Sasso. In the film, Director Nadia Sasso interviews several different women in regard to their West African descent. Several of the women all faced some form of discrimination when living in the states, especially during their youth. The director even mention a sexual derogatory term, “The African Booty Scratcher” and how it further pushed African women into the cultural assimilation. Several of the women were subjected to racial name calling, not just by whites, but also by African Americans. African who lived in the United states, caved into the social pressures that exist within the American culture. Like many of the women in the film, they were all desperate to buy into the American dream and ultimately, they had to relinquish their heritage. However, towards the end of the film, the women are indeed prideful of their heritage. It is through reappreciating and navigating their own culture structure, that they now have a better understanding. In the novel Americanah by Chimamana Ngozi Adichie, the main character also navigated herself around racial and interracial structure. Ifemelu, who Nigerian, lives within the

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