The distinct heritage that Africans have, have made the …show more content…
As in the film, Am I Too African to be American or Too American to be African by Naida Sasso. In the film, Director Nadia Sasso interviews several different women in regard to their West African descent. Several of the women all faced some form of discrimination when living in the states, especially during their youth. The director even mention a sexual derogatory term, “The African Booty Scratcher” and how it further pushed African women into the cultural assimilation. Several of the women were subjected to racial name calling, not just by whites, but also by African Americans. African who lived in the United states, caved into the social pressures that exist within the American culture. Like many of the women in the film, they were all desperate to buy into the American dream and ultimately, they had to relinquish their heritage. However, towards the end of the film, the women are indeed prideful of their heritage. It is through reappreciating and navigating their own culture structure, that they now have a better