Satire Essay On Abortion

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Abortion In our society we have become stupendously crazed with rights, as well as being politically correct. Whether talking about domestic pets or wild animals, there will be a tremendous out cry if they are hurt or treated badly. Even with all of this the unborn child is not protected. Instead of looking at abortion as the solution for an unwanted pregnancy, I believe a person should be looking for the solution to abortion. In the modern world we live in today, there are many different kinds of contraception’s for women to choose from. The only one hundred percent effective birth control is abstinence, however many come very close. For instance there are implants, pills, shots, and even more options for a woman to choose from. I believe …show more content…
The fact that adoption can be so difficult and expensive while apportion is much cheaper and easier seems very backwards and very wrong to me. The cost of abortion should be raised and more education and options should be available for women who are in this difficult place. When discussing the matter of life and death, which in my opinion is what abortion is, many serious things should be considered. Abortion does stop a beating heart and end an innocent life. Also the long-term emotional and physical consequences on a woman, is devastating and can be very hard to overcome. When society makes something like abortion legal and acceptable it opens so many doors to even worse things, such as sex-selective abortions. According to “5 Anti-Abortion Laws offering Solutions For Problems that Don’t Actually Exist” In South Dakota a bill was advanced that put a ban to “sex-selective abortions” Although there is not any evidence that this practice is happening, politicians feel it is necessary to have in place for the fast growing Asian population that may choose to have this procedure to avoid giving birth to females. This web article also discusses the importance of women receiving counseling and being informed before having an abortion procedure done. It also states that the need for clinics to have harsh restrictions in order to make this procedure as safe as

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