“The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nationals have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies.” (Article 231, 2 of scanned documents) The Weimar Republic was the current government in Germany. After the loss of the war, the Weimar Republic was an attempt to form a perfect democratic state. (Weimar-Strengths and Weaknesses) Later on, it was proven to be very unsuccessful and weak, allowing Hitler and his followers to come to power. Despite the crumbling government in Germany, due to the intense reparations that the Weimar Republic was responsible for, hyperinflation was introduced as a serious economic drawback for the people of Germany. As hyperinflation spread throughout Germany, many sought to blame the Weimar Republic for the events that have occurred within a short period of time. While the Weimar Republic was still in power, one of the rulers, Kaiser, had created and sold “war bonds” to help …show more content…
(History.com Staff Beer Hall Putsch, paragraph 1) His duty was to keep tabs on the different political groups within the area that he was in charge of patrolling. One particular party that he encountered while he was in Munich, he drew an interest to, which was the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. By infiltrating the meeting of the party, Hitler decided to join and became a member in 1919. (History.com Staff, Beer Hall Putsch paragraph 1) Adolf had started off as a member who wrote the political programs and changed the name from National Socialist German Workers’ Party to Nazi. (Trustees of London Jewish Cultural Centre, The Nazi Rise) Over time, Hitler became one of the leaders of the Nazi Party. Hitler, before joining the political party, had very specific ideals of militarism, nationalism, and a pure race in Germany. To protect the Nazi Party and because of his military interest, he created a private army for the group, known as stormtroopers. (Trustees of London Jewish Cultural Centre, The Nazi Rise) During his time as the leader of the Nazis, the Weimar Republic was slowly decreasing in power. Left weak and unstable after World War 1, with around 380 political murders and assassinations within the government, Hitler believed that it would be a perfect time to attempt a putsch, an illegal attempt to overthrow the government. (Trustees of London