HQ 201ST Regiment (MF) Regional Training Institute would like to thank you for your excellent support provided to this institution by allowing SFC Selwyn D. Gumbs to contribute towards our staff and faculty development through successfully facilitation of two consecutive Foundation Instructor Facilitator Courses from 15 October 2015 to 2 November 2015. SFC Gumbs displayed a dedication to the highest standards of ethical behavior. He successfully graduated 32 Instructors/Facilitators through hands on application “learn by doing” by developing, previewing, presenting, practicing, and performing the task to standard during evaluation. In addition, served as mentor to ensure that one Instructor completed the three-part certification process…
Unit Eight Assignment PS365 My professional and educational journey began with my United States Army military service. I enlisted as a field medic. Once I had left the service I was placed on the IRR, and reactivated for Operation Desert Storm. When I got out again, I returned to civilian life and went to college at Angelo State University.…
I am currently serving in the U.S Army on active duty and really enjoy many aspects of my career. Congrats on your retirement and hope its retreat you well within few years I hope to be in retirement too. I once lived in North Carolina when I was stationed at Ft. Bragg after being deployed overseas to South Korea and then moving back to the station in Texas. I really miss living in North Carolin.…
Everyone knows me as the 16th president of the United States, but what people didn’t know was that I studied war strategies in order to become a successful Commender and Chief to the United States Military. I also consulted with my trusted war adversaries in order to insure that I was making the right decisions for Americans. The Civil War started because of uncompromising differences between the free and slave states, over the power of the national government to forbid slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. After I won the election as the first Republican president on a platform pledging to keep slavery out of the territories, seven slave states in the deep South left and formed a new nation.…
First and foremost, I desire to be a part of the Naval Aviation community. My initial interest in the naval service came from two of my nearest neighbors who flew airplanes, one of them with the Canadian Snow Birds whose father served our country as a Marine Corps officer. In high School I was a member of the Young Eagles Program and took four flying lessons at Sonoma Skypark in Sonoma, CA . Throughout my time at the Academy, I have looked up to many Naval Aviators.…
During the Vietnam war there were lots of brave men who served during that time some didn’t want to go but they got drafted so they had to go no matter what. Many didn’t make it through those long 20 years. Although I am very grateful to have got the chance to know two Vietnam vet one was grandpa he wasn’t in active duty he just worked on the aircrafts and then there was my neighbor Melvin Garrison he was in active duty I wish I got the chance to ask him about the things that happen during that time, but sadly I never did. The one person I wish I did a chance to met was my mother's cousin Douglas Vincent Dailey.…
As a small group leader and training instructor for the Aviation Warrant Officer Advanced Course, Mr. Herring conducts student training at a college level and prepares lessons and classrooms for training. In order to accomplish these tasks, Mr. Herring has demonstrated repeatedly, that he is steadfast in his competence, character, and commitment required of a professional, let alone required of a professional student. Mr. Herring’s competence is displayed through his actions as a United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence (USAACE) master level instructor. He administers and grades written and performance examinations, both on students and instructors, evaluates their progress, and conducts student counseling and remedial instruction as needed.…
I have a strong desire to become an officer in the United States Navy. To achieve this goal I wish to be accepted into Officer Candidate School where I will later graduate with a commission as an Ensign. I believe myself to be of both strong mind and body, and I accredit this to my commitment to my school, my work, and my training. I graduated top ten percent of my class in High School and Magna Cum Laude in college and I continually try to increase the diversity of my knowledge so to become a better rounded person. I majored in Criminology and Criminal Justice and minored in Psychology, so through convention teaching methods I have gained a firm grip in the Social Sciences; however, its through my work experience that I have really grown.…
First assignment after Advanced Individual Training and Airborne School was B Co 1BSTB Rear Detachment. After a week in Rear Detachment, was selected to lead two Paratroopers through deployment training. Attended training for a 3 week block of instruction guiding 2 Paratroopers through training ensuring deployment readiness and deployed in support of Operation Iraqi…
In June 2010, I was a newly promoted Private First Class in the United States Army. I’ve been in the active service for less than a year at that point and I was already outshining my peers. My First Sergeant, the most Senior Enlist Personnel in my Company, came up to me and gave a challenge. This Challenge would result in a complete change of direction in my career, my physical toughness, and my mental capacity to learn.…
I co-supervised 35 employees including legal advisors, translators, and administrative assistant. Being a successful deputy section lead for nine months, I got another promotion. I become Section Lead of the GCHR section of JSSP and take the responsibility of not only supervising around 42 employees in addition to what I mentioned before I also supervised team leads and purchase request specialists. I also lead the section in implementing various projects and accomplishing deliverables. My work as a Section Lead was not only recognized by JSSP but also by the government of Afghanistan.…
I wish to bring this same focus and determination to the Air Force as an Officer to help make a difference. Gaining an Air Force commission will be the toughest challenge I have faced, and I am ready for the opportunity to make difference. Thank you for considering my…
I organized and distributed important OPSEC training to the families along with information on support provided Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam. I was recognized by Admiral Papp along with the other Ombudsmen in Hawaii for our dedication. When I moved to Maryland I became Military Family Outreach Chair at Piney Orchard Elementary PTA where my son attended school. The Piney Orchard Elementary Military Family Outreach PTA is designed to help all of its military families as they face their unique challenges throughout the year. In addition as become a more senior belt in the International Tang Soo Do Federation I am encouraged to mentor junior belts in honor, respect, and discipline as they learn martial…
After entering his office, we spoke for over an hour about leadership, professionalism, and standards of conduct. In the Army, formal counseling is supposed to happen at set intervals; but, this rarely occurs once you become a Non-Commissioned Officer, or Sergeant. This was the first bit of one on one professional development that I had received in years. It was an important event. Additionally, it set the tone for the unit I was entering and let me know my limits.…
I served in the 2nd Infantry Division Headquarters two years as an administrative assistant. My primary duty was to assist the Division Command Sergeant Major including managing a database of gift donors, workflow, schedules, classified briefing documents, answering calls, and supporting general office functions. Working both independently and interdependently, I performed other functions outside of the office including simultaneous interpretation (English & Korean), communications liaison, logistical operations support, and regional reconnaissance. Working in the Army cultivated me with leadership, respect, duty, and selfless service, but more importantly, I learned to pursue a goal assiduously even under pressure and to never give up until the mission is accomplished.…